
2017-01-04 申请书 阅读:

推荐信港大中文【一】:香港留学 推荐信






关于寄送,基本所有的学校都要求由推荐人直接寄,但据说可以把密封好的推荐信和其他材料一起寄。 360教育集团提醒广大留学生,一定要注意一些细节问题,比如说两个推荐人的推荐表格或推荐信最好用不同的口气,不同的字体,不同的信封和不同的寄送时间,而且如果能让推荐人亲自帮忙填写这样是最好的。



October 18, 2005

To whom it may concern:

I am Dean of the department of Economics and Management in the XXX University, one of the prestigious universities in China. At the request of Ms麦兜, I am writing this letter of recommendation to support her application for graduate studies with your department beginning in the fall semester of 2006.In this semester I had opportunities to have long conversations with her so that I got to know her much better both personally and academically.

During academic year 2002-2003, I first acquainted myself with Ms 麦兜 while she was taking “XXX”, an undergraduate optional course that I was teaching. She showed great aptitude on that course and she got 85 on it, undoubtedly, she got excellent score on this course. She studied conscientiously and often talked with me after the class about the questions that she had come across in his readings. Studying with conscientiousness, Ms 麦兜 often came up with creative ideas. Unlike some other students, she studied not to just pass the exams but to really improve her knowledge and expertise.

Ms麦兜has a strong ability to put theory into practice. Because she had the Logistics Management course in her second academic year, and after the theory learnt from the class, she read many books also do some research by her. Working hard, she cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence. That is her thesis “XXX” which has already been published in magazine.

Independent and intelligent, Ms 麦兜exhibited exquisite analytical and organizational skills in both her coursework and beyond. With a powerful aptitude for language, she is articulate in both English and Chinese.

On the personal level, Ms 麦兜 is courteous, pleasant and friendly. And she has always been a team player in her work. Ms 麦兜was the Vice-Secretary-General of the Student Union during academic year 2003-2004. I think she is one of the most excellent female student leaders in our university. Serving as the vice-secretary-general of the student union, she was closely involved in the communication and collaboration with other student or organizations and sometimes took part in the activities organized by them. By organizing those extracurricular activities, I think she trained herself in leadership and organization skills. Ms 麦兜has perfect ability to express ideas orally in the meeting.

She shows her intense desire to take human resource management instead of economics as her career, when chatting with me, she often mention her opinions in the field. In deed, she has been reading relevant books and proved her ability to study all by herself.

In view of all that I know of her, I strongly recommend this promising young woman and

your favorable consideration and assistance to her will be very much appreciated. If you want to know more about her, please do not hesitate to contact with me.


中文名 拼音名

Professor of Economics

Dean of Economics and Management Department

XXX University





i’m a student of xxx, hoping to study at hong kong university. i’m going to introduce myself and reasons for the choice as follow. above all, the strength is one of the major aspects to encourage me to apply for hk university. the self-control, extensive social skill, high sense of responsibility, strong organization ability is what i acquired from my high school. i have served as vice-minister of propaganda department of students’ union for a year. this

precious experience enhances my ability of organization and social contacts,and makes me handle the balance between work and study well. what’s more, i have expansive interests such as painting, writing and playing volleyball. so, up till now i have participated in

various activities and all gained good results. with all this things i have learnt, i truly find my connotation become rich and rich.

when comes to the reason why i choose hku, the first thing occurs to me is the atmosphere. hong kong’s inherent chinese and western culture has a powerful attraction on me. only studying at hk, can i broaden my horizons at a more open and freedom stage. anticipating a collision of concept, i cannot wait to take this challenge, because young heart will never satisfy.推荐信港大中文。

in my eyes, hku is a university with profound historical culture and free academic exchange. i’m a student of arts, and as far as i know, hong kong university’s faculty arts are pretty famous, for it is one of faculties that have the longest history and largest scale. all the advantages are just great enough to light my passion.

the youth is full of unexpected encounters, and i want to have a beautiful encounter with you—hong kong university.




1 《一百分妈妈》 马以工

这本书的内容是教导大家如何生活健康生活在不健康的环境中。第一章谈“如何避免生下畸形儿”,第二章介绍“健康的食物在哪里?”第三章指出“生活周边的有毒物”,第四章分析“为什么癌症患者越来越多?”第五章是“我不„„运动环保的第一步”,第六章告诉大家“节约能源就是节省开支”,最后一章马以工勉励大家“积极参与!争取健康的环境”。 2 《一路走来一路读 》 林达


3 《二胡》 陈若曦

小说《二胡》写了美国华人胡为恒与在中国大陆妻子梅玖、美国华人胡景汉与大陆妻子绮华的婚姻家庭关系,展示出东、西方两种文化的碰撞冲突,同时也通过梅玖临终前的谅解丈夫与胡景汉决定回大陆与绮华团聚的情节,反映了两种文化是可以包容融合的,自觉或不自觉地立足于唯物史观而使这部长篇小说的主题的丰富与深刻性达到新高度。 4


《人在欧洲》是台湾作家龙应台旅居瑞士期间的“跨域”书写。双重视域互为镜像是其文本最显著的特征.双重视域既是在文本中呈现出来的本土与母土两个疆界不同的文化现象,同时也是观察这两个疆界不同的文化视角.在《人在欧洲》中,一方面从中国文化视角出发观察欧洲社会现象.另一方面则以欧洲为参照系反观台湾社会现实。 5 《十万个为什么》 严济远

此书带领读者探索奇妙的大自然,逐一解开“臭氧洞”、“厄尔尼诺”、“龙卷风”、“海市蜃楼”„„之谜。它以科学的态度,通俗的手法,引发读者对自然现象的好奇,再以趣味的方式,深入浅出地解释地球的形成及各种地理、地质、气象上常见现象对人类的影响。 6 《三十五年的新闻追踪: 一个日本记者眼中的中国》 吉田实着; 王武云, 朱新建译 这是一位日本记者遍历中、港、台三地的新闻生涯的纪实。是资深的新闻工,曾现场采访过中日邦交正常化、巴基斯坦军事政变、中印战争等重大历史事件。在他笔下再现了二十世纪下半的亚洲风云突变,既是中日关系史的现代篇章备忘录,也是新闻学的一本不可多得的实用教材。



7 《小王子》 圣修伯理








11月份基本上各项工作完成,准备好材料了,打电话让托福送分,然后就去港大的网页网申,登记,打包材料,拿去学校的Fedex网点快递,一天后到,然后发信给研究生院,告诉他们材料已经寄出,请收到了给confirm letter,并告诉教授,已经投递申请了,OK 这是研究生院的网址


please submit all the required supporting documents before the application deadline (31 January 2007) to the Graduate School, at:

P403, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong For details regarding the supporting documents required, please visit:

The results for this round of the admission exercise will be available in April 2007. Applicants may check the results online. Details will be given in the application acknowledgement letter (which will normally be sent to you within four weeks after the receipt of your supporting documents by the Graduate School).

Should there be any changes in your personal particulars, please contact

the Graduate School by email (gradsch@hkucc.hku.hk) as soon as possible. Thank you推荐信港大中文。


我把我的cover letter贴出来,各项解释一下,每个人不一样,不一定要按照我的来做,但是港大要填的申请表上已经注明了要邮寄的材料必备清单,邮寄电话,送分代码,缴费方式,仔细看就知道了,别偷懒

Dear Admission Officers:

Following items are enclosed in my application package: 1. Cover Letter;

2. Confirm Letter for the Payment of Application Fee;我是用招行的信用卡给的钱,很方便,刷一下就好,注意把缴费的哪个网页存下来

3. Transcript Letter from Dean Office, including: Academic Transcript of undergraduate, Bachelor Degree Certificate, Graduate Diploma Certificate;成绩单要去教务处申请打印英文的,用专用的信封封好,加封口章,不一定要附上港大要求的那张成绩申请单,因为我的学校教务处拒绝把它放进我的成绩单信封,我发了信给港大,说学校不提供此项服务,OK!学位证明也是这样


4. Transcript Letter from Graduate School, including: Academic Transcript of post graduate;我的研究生在学成绩单,自己算好,用研究生院的模版填好,先学院盖章,拿去研究生院盖章,开在学证明,没有本科的那么严格

5. Others Certificate: Master Degree Certificate (on School), Citizen Certificate, Registered Resident Certificate;身份证和户口的复印件,去学校保卫处开的,然后加盖保卫处公章,中文

6. 1th Supporting Documents: CV, Research Proposal, Statement for UPF, Extra-Curricular Activities Report;



UPF: University PhD Fellowship博士生奖学金申请,额外给的,要向学校说明为什么要给你这个奖学金


7. Letters of referee Letters 推荐信,两封

8. Copy of TOEFL test score report. The ETS Official Report will arrive in the middle of January, 2007;

9. 2th Supporting Documents: Brief Introduction on papers and writing, published papers, unpublished Sample, honor certificate, extra-activities certificate,

Brief Introduction:把自己发表的,或者没发表的论文(其它学术文章)做个间接,题目、摘要、大纲;发表的那篇论文把杂志的封面、目录复印,然后把自己的论文或其它文本全部打印,标记“Sample Papers”,附在后面


10. 3th Supporting Documents: Copy of Certificate and Transcript, Copy of Degree and Diploma Certificate;重要的成绩单之类的,复印多一份,以备万一


If any further information or material is required, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you very much for reviewing my application materials.Yours Sincerely, Liu Yi








5、推荐信的语气要温和,不要过于激烈的赞美,越牛的老师越是冷静,例如,as the wonderful reputation of harvard, i belive this young can make great effort........这已经够了,不用过于强烈; 6,推荐信必备信息:老师怎么认识你的,他觉得你的闪光点再哪里,你的学术潜力如何?他觉得你去哪里的前途如何?



Graduate School Office at Room P403, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong,Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, gradsch@hkucc.hku.hk


(Ms) Alice Chan Executive Officer Graduate School

The University of Hong Kong Tel: 2546 7435 Fax: 2857 3543 gradsch3@hkucc.hku.hk


第一次:you are the most welcome 第二次:Please visit this website.................第三次:I will check it





Brief Introduction of previous papers and writing:

Ø Title: Review on the Development of German Geography after Second World War

Author: 。。。。。。。

Status: Published in JOURNAL OF THE GRADUATES, Sun Yat-sen University, in 2006. (Full text was involved in the application materials)

Abstract: Beginning after the Second World War, this paper reviews the development of German geography with views of subjects, scholars and horizontal observing. According to empirically understanding the characteristics and trends of the German geography, the author analyzes the reason of the modern situations of it, and also probes into the illumination to the development of China Geography.

Key word: German; Geography; Development

Syllabus and Catalog: :. 1

1 Review and Understanding after Second World War12.1 “monism” and “Dualism” in Geography. 2






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