
2018-07-18 热点事件 阅读:


  portable electric dental engine 轻便电动钻牙机,轻便牙钻
  portable hearing aid 袖珍助听器
  portable microtome 手提式切片机
  portable monitor 手提式监护仪
  portable obstetric table 轻便产床
  portable operating table 轻便手术台
  portable photoelectric colorimeter 便携式光电比色计
  portable suction unit 便携式吸引器
  portable testing set 便携式测试仪器
  portable typewriter 手提式打字机
  portable X-ray machine 手提式X 光机
  portacid 移酸滴管,滴酸器
  portal 门,入门
  portal venography 门静脉造影术
  port B/L 港口提单
  portcaustic 腐蚀药把持器
  porte 柄
  porte-acid 移酸滴管,滴酸器
  porte-aiguille 持针器
  porte-caustique 腐蚀药把持器
  porte-ligature 深部结扎器,缚线把持器
  porte-meche 填塞条器
  porte-noeud 瘤蒂结扎器
  porte-polisher 握柄磨光器
  porterage 搬运费
  portial impression trays 局部牙托
  portion 部分,段,份
  portligature 深部结扎器,缚线把线器
  port of arrival 到达港
  port of delivery 交货港
  port of departure 出发港
  port of destination 到达港目的港
  port of discharge 卸货港
  portogram 门静脉造影片
  portoraphy 门静脉造影术
  portovenogram 门静脉造影片
  posion 阴离子,阳向离子
  position 位置,状态
  positioner 定位器(牙),位置控制器
  position finder 定向仪,定位仪
  position indicator 位置指示器
  position-sensor 位置传感器
  positive ①正片 ②阳性的,正的
  positive charge 阳电荷,正电荷
  positive electricity 阳电,正电
  positive electrode 阳电极,正极
  positive potential 正电位
  positive pressure 正压
  positive rays 阳极射线
  kpositive valence 正价
  positor 复位器
  positrocephalogram 阳电子脑瘤定位(描记)图
  positron 正电子,阳电子
  positron decay 正电子衰变
  possess 占有,具有
  post ①柱,杆,接线柱 ②邮寄,邮件
  post- 后,在后,次
  postage 邮费,邮资
  postage free 免付邮资,邮费付讫
  postage paid 邮费已付,邮资付讫
  postage stamp 邮票
  postal parcel 邮政包裹
  post box 信箱
  postcode 邮政编码
  postdelivery room 产后室
  posterior 后面的,其次的,以后的
  posterior bite guide 后咬导,后咬合标
  posterior forceps 后钳,大钳
  posterior rhinoscope 后鼻镜
  posterior urethral sound 后尿道探子
  post-extractor 拔柱器
  postmortem knife 尸体解剖刀
  postnasal scissors 后鼻剪
  postoperative 手术后的
  postoperative bronchioscopic aspiration 术后支气管镜吸引术
  post partum 产后
  postpone 推迟,延期,搁置
  posture 姿势,体位
  posturography 姿势描记术
  pot ①罐,缸,坩埚 ②盘,箱
  potassium 钾
  potency 能力,效力,效能
  potential 电位,电势,位能


  1 Introduction to Trauma Care 创伤护理导论
  2 Patterns of Blunt Injury 钝器损伤的类型
  3 Mechanisms of Injury/Penetrating Trauma 损伤发病机制/穿透性创伤
  4 The Physiologic Response to Injury 对损伤的生理学反应
  5 Shock 休克
  6 Measurements of Injury Severity 损伤严重程度的测定
  7 Prehospital Triage 送医院前伤员分类
  8 Prehospital Therapy 送医院前的治疗
  9 Field Teams:Composition,Direction, and Communication with the Trauma Center 现场救护队:组成,指导,与创伤中心的联系
  10 Air Medical and Interhospital Transport 空中医疗和医院间转运
  11 Trauma Team Activation 创伤救护队的活动
  12 Organization prior to Trauma Patient Arrival 创伤病人到达前的组织
  13 Adult Trauma Resuscitation 成人创伤复苏
  14 Airway Management in the Trauma Patient 创伤病人的气道处理
  15 Vascular Access 血管穿刺
  16 Imaging of Trauma Patients 创伤病人的影像
  17 Documentation,Coding and Compliance,and EMTALA 文件,法规,依据和EMTALA
  18 Operating Room Practice 手术室常现
  19 Head Injury 头损伤
  20 Injuries to the Spinal Cord and Spinal Column 脊髓和脊柱损伤
  21 Soft Tissue Wounds of the Face 面部软组织伤
  22 Bony Oral-Maxillofacial Injuries 口一上颌面骨损伤
  23 Ophthalmic Injuries 眼损伤
  24 Penetrating Neck Injury 穿透性颈损伤
  25 Blunt Neck Injury 颈部钝器损伤
  26 Thoracic Injury 胸部损伤
  26 Thoracic Vascular Injury 胸部血管损伤
  27 Abdominal Injury 腹部损伤
  28 Abdominal Vascular Injury 腹部血管损伤
  29 Damage Control 损伤的控制
  30 Abdominal Compartment Syndrome 腹部隔室综合征
  31 Genitourinary Injuries 泌尿生殖系统损伤
  32 Orthopedic Injuries 矫形外科损伤
  33 Pelvic Fractures 骨盆骨折
  34 Hand Trauma 手创伤
  35 Compartment Syndrome and Rhabdomyolysis 隔室综合征和横纹肌溶解
  36 Peripheral Vascular Injuries 周围血管损伤
  37 Soft-Tissue Trauma 软组织创伤
  38 Priorities in the ICU Care of the Adult Trauma Patient 在ICU护理的成人创伤病人的优先项目 39 Commonly Missed Injuries and Pi


Hello everyone !! I Hubei Institute for Nationalities fresh graduates, majoring in clinical medicine. June next year I will graduate with a degree in clinical medicine. Recently learned your firm is recruiting talent, I"m confident I"m learning university five years would help me come to apply for these posts. University for five years, I am trying to learn the doors of expertise, test subjects at school have achieved excellent results. During the internship, I was motivated to learn, the most common illnesses for each section have a deeper understanding. In particular surgery, the surgeon who first appendectomy under the guidance of teachers, access to teachers by the praise. During college, I won the scholarship, published a number of articles, also served as class leader, has a strong organization and coordination ability. Strong sense of professionalism and sense of responsibility so that I can face any team difficulties and challenges. I very much hope that your company can join and play my potential. thank you all.大家好!!我是湖北民族学院应届本科毕业生,专业是临床医学。明年6月我将顺利毕业并获得临床医学学士学位。近期获知贵公司正在招聘人才,我自信我在大学五年的学习情况会有助于我来应聘这些职位。大学五年,我努力学习各门专业知识,在校时各科考试均取得了优良的成绩。实习期间,我积极主动学习,对于各科的常见多发病有了较深的了解。特别是外科,曾在老师指导下主刀一次阑尾切除术,获得了带教老师的好评。在大学期间,我多次获得各项奖学金,发表多篇文章,还担任过班干部,具有很强的组织和协调能力。很强的事业心和责任感使我能够面队任何困难和挑战。我很希望能加盟贵公司,发挥我的潜力。谢谢大家。






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