
2018-06-15 专题 阅读:


As you plan — or even go — on your summer vacation, think about this: More and more Americans are no longer taking a few weeks off to suntan and sightsee abroad. Instead they"re working in orphanages, building schools and teaching English. 如果你正谋划如何过暑假,考虑下这个:越来越多的美国人不再花数周时间去晒日光浴或者去国外观光旅行,他们去孤儿院做义工,参与学校建设,教孩子们英语。
It"s called volunteer tourism, or "voluntourism," and it"s one of the fastest growing trends in travel today. More than 1.6 million volunteer tourists are spending about $2 billion each year. 这就是“公益旅行”,已经成为旅行界发展最迅速的趋势之一。每年,有超过160万志愿者游客花费大约20亿美元。
Most volunteer tourists are women. They"re also young adults, between the ages of 20 and 25, says the industry consulting group Tourism, Research and Marketing, based in Glasbury, Wales. But more and more high school students are also traveling and volunteering. “行业咨询机构旅行、研究与市场表示,大多数志愿者游客是年轻女性,年龄在20岁到25岁之间。该机构位于英国威尔士地区的格拉斯伯里。但也有越来越多的高中生加入到公益旅行的行列中。


英语口语频道为大家整理的旅游英语口语:赴台个人游英文怎么说,供大家参考:) 近来各类关于大陆游客赴台个人游的消息“满天飞”,在可能首批开放的几个城市—北京、上海、厦门,5月中旬至今,相关旅行社的咨询电话都被打“爆”了。
  Tourists from selected cities on the Chinese mainland will be able to travel across the Taiwan Straits as individual tourists by the end of June, said a senior mainland negotiator on Wednesday。
  文中的travel across the Taiwan Straits as individual tourists就是指“赴台个人游/自由行”,也称为visit Taiwan as individuals。“自由行”也称为self-guided tour,指出外旅行不参加旅游团,是与package tour(跟团旅游)相对而言的,在台湾俗称“机加酒”,即机票加酒店。自由行游客也就是individual tourist或者free walker。长途自助旅行的人还可以称为backpacker(背包客)。
  旅行社一般开展的是sightseeing routes(观光路线),每个旅行团都会有tour guide(导游)和tour escort(领队)陪同,到了旅游目的地还会有local guide(地陪)做向导。


英语资源频道为大家整理的旅游英语怎么说:洗头发在国外,供大家阅读参考。Linda: I"m ready for a new hairdo. Do you have any suggestions? Hairdresser: Have you taken a look at any of the new styles lately? Linda: Yes, I brought a magazine to show you. I like this one. Hairdresser: Oh, that is pretty. Do you want to keep your hair this long? Or do you want to take it shorter? I think you would look cute with short hair. Perhaps you should go even shorter than in the picture. Linda: I"ll leave it up to you. Like I said, I"m ready for a change. Hairdresser: OK. You should really think about getting highlights put in, too. Linda: Do you think that would look good? I"m worried it will make my hair look unnatural. Hairdresser: No, it won"t. The highlights are very subtle. We can do a little bit this time.        If you like it, we can do more next time. Otherwise, the highlights should grow        out in about four weeks. Linda: OK, just do what you want. I count on you. By the way, how much do you charge for a shampoo and set? Hairdresser: Forty dollars in total.
琳达:我准备换个新发型,你有什么建议吗? 理发师:你最近有没有看到什么新的发型? 琳达:有,我带了一本杂志给你看。我喜欢这个发型。 理发师:哦,它很漂亮。你的头发要继续留这么长吗?还是要剪短一点?我认为你剪短发一定很好看。或许你该剪得比杂志上更短些才好。 琳达:你来决定吧。我说过的,我已准备好要改变一下自己。 理发师:好。你还应该认真考虑把头发外层颜色染淡一点。 琳达:你认为那样会好看吗?我担心那会使我的头发看起来不自然。 理发师:不会。只是稍微染一下。这次我们可以稍微染一点。如果你喜欢的话,下一次可以染多一点。要不然,染过的颜色四个星期就会淡下去了。 琳达:好的,我听你的。顺便问一下,洗头、做头发要多少钱? 理发师:一共40元。






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