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新四六级考试翻译刷分必备资料 (2014-06-07 08:01:11)转载▼

Passage 1


In Beijing, there are many Hutongs, which mean small lanes. The life of ordinary people in these lanes contributes greatly to the charm of Beijing, the ancient capital. Usally, there is a courtyard complex inside the Hutong, with rooms for an average of 4 to 10 families of about 20 members. So life at the Hutong is that of a friendly and interpersonal communication. Hutong is the living environment of ordinary Bejing natives. It is also an art of architecture. It reflects the changes of the society. With the rapid development of the society and economy, many Hutongs will live only in people’s memory.

Passage 2


Duanwu Festival, also called The Dragon-boat Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese lunar calendar. It originated in China as a festival for the Chinese people to prevent and get rid of diseases. Later on, it was said that Quyuan, the patriotic poet, died on this day and it became a traditional festival in memory of Quyuan for the Chinese Han people. Eating zongzi and racing dragon boats are the main customs of Duanwu Festival. Especially, dragon boat racing is very popular, for it is not only an activity of sports and recreation, but also embodies people’s patriotism and collectivism.

Passage 3


The Chinese medicine, known as “traditional Chinese medicine” in China, originated about 6000 years ago, in the era of Shennong, a famous herbal medicine master in ancient China. During the long-term development, the traditional Chinese medicine has gradually formed a set of medical principles and concepts. Traditional Chinese medicine holds that nothing compares to a human life. Traditional Chinese medical doctors diagnose and treat the patients’ diseases through finding out the relationship between man and nature, and among the various parts of the human body. Traditional Chinese medicine has developed a complete theoretical system and complete clinical treatment approaches. And it wins widespread praises all over the world because of its unique effectiveness and its scientific nature.

Passage 4



Culture is a country’s face. During the course of Chinese culture output, the giant of the Chinese nation has taken to the world the cultural feast of both materials and spirit. On the historical path of the foreign communication of the Chinese culture, such signs of material civilization as silk, china, tea, and scientific and technological inventions led the world’s progress. Meanwhile, such spirit as the golden mean, faith keeping, modesty and gentleness and good governance initiated in the classic works of the Four Books, the Five Classics, etc, established the signs of the Chinese spirit in the world.

Passage 5


China will strongly promote development and prosperity in both Asia and the world. Since the beginning of this new century, China has become the largest trading partner, the biggest export market and a major source of investment of many neighboring countries. China’s interests have never been so closely connected with those of the rest of Asia and the world in both scope and depth. At present and in the future period, China will continue to maintain its healthy growth trend. Its domestic demand, particularly consumption-driven demand will continue to grow and its investment in foreign countries will increase greatly. The more China develops, the more developing opportunities it will bring to Asia and the world.

Passage 6金山翻译。


The construction of ecological civilization is important for the happiness of the Chinese people and the future of the Chinese nation. To realize industrialization, urbalization, informationization and agricultural modernization, China must find a new development path out. China makes it clear to put the protection of ecological environment in a more outstanding postion. We need mountains pf gold and silver, but we also need green mountains and waters more. We mustn’t gain the temporary economic development at the expense of the ecological environment. Thus, we put forward the strategic task of constructing ecological civilization and a beautiful China, leaving our descendants a beautiful home with blue sky, green land and clear water.

Passage 7

中国作为文明古国,同样有着辉煌的城市发展史。著名的《清明上河图》(Riverside Scene during Qingming Festival),就生动地描绘了12世纪中国商业城市开封的繁荣景象。中国的城市也具有自身特色。改革开放30多年来,中国工业化、城镇化步伐明显加快,城镇居民从

1.7亿人增加到7亿人,形成了一批有重要影响和发展活力的城市群(city cluster),促进了经济发展和社会进步。

China, a country with an ancient civilization, also has a brilliant history of urban development.

The famous painting Riverside Scene During the Qingming Festival vividly captures the life of Kaifeng, a commercial city in China in the 12th century. Chinese cities also have their own characteristics. Since the launching of the reform and opening-up program over 30 years ago, China has quickened the pace of industrialization and urbalization, with urban pollution increasing from 170 million to some 700 million, forming a number of city clusters with strong influence and developing vigor, which has promoted economic development and social progress. Passage 8


The two characters “xue”and “xi” were first used by China’s Confucius, who was a great educator. Studying hard himself, and having many years’ experience of teaching, he summed up the question in one sentence: “isn’t it enjoyable to learn something and to review it often?” And that’s the origin of the word “xuexi”, which means “study”. There is only one way for anyone to acquire new knowledge, and that’s “learning”. But one must review it to turn it into something of his own. So Confucius’ teaching is still instructive today.

Passage 9


To people from the foreign countries, what can best represent the Chinese culture are such signs as Chinese meals, Chinese gongfu, the red lantern, and Peking opera. In the world, where there are Chinese people, there are Chinese restaurants, where red lanterns or pictures of Chinese gongfu are hung or China’s Peking Opera is played. Many foreigners love these signs of the Chinese culture. These old signs are full of charm, and are beneficial for the transmission of the Chinese culture or the creation of the Chinese iamge.

Passage 10


The Chinese Dream means a prosperous and strong China, the revival of the Chinese nation and a happy life for the Chinese people. The Chinese Dream is the dream of a country, a nation and a people. It is also a dream of every Chinese. It is a combination of individual dreams and it is a common dream. Just as President Xi puts it, only when the country and the nation are better off can every one of us be better off. The Chinese Dream is filled with the rational brilliance of the Chinese civilization: one nation is one family and each member is responsible for its prosperity. The Chinese Dream is also a dream of peace, cooperation and win-win. Today, it is a dream. Tomorrow it will be reality.



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,铜芸 # Copper non-success # Copper art # Copper Yun ,土大黄 # Soil rhubarb # Rumex

土茯苓 # Smilax glabra

土三七 # Soil notoginseng

菟丝子 # Dodder

,歪头菜 # Vicia unijuga # Head tilt dish

万年青 # evergreen


王不留行 # Vaccaria

威灵仙 # Clematis root


蜗牛肉 # Snail meat

,乌灵参 # Wu ling and # Wulingshen # Wuling reference 乌梅 # Dark plum

乌梢蛇 # Zaocys dhumnades

乌头 # aconitum

乌药 # Radix linderae

吴茱萸 # Evodia rutaecarpa

蜈蚣 # Centipede

五加 # Acanthopanax

五味子 # Schisandra

西瓜皮 # Watermelon rind !

西红花 # Saffron

西洋参 # American ginseng

细辛 # asarum

夏枯草 # selfheal # Prunella

仙草 # Immortality

仙鹤草 # Herba agrimoniae # Hairyvein agrimony 仙茅 # curculigo

仙人掌 # Cactus

鲜车前 # Fresh plantain

鲜菊花 # Fresh chrysanthemum # Fresh Daisy!

香椿 # Toon

香附 # Cyperus rotundus

香薷 # Elsholtzia

香橼 # citron

襄荷 # Assist the Netherlands # Awapuhl # Xiang Netherlands ! 小蓟 # Thistle

小旋花 # Little spin flower # Small Convolvulus # Small bindweed!

蝎子 # Scorpion

薤白 # Scallions white # Allium macrostemon # ! 辛夷 # Lily magnolia # Magnolia !

续断 # Radix dipsaci

玄参 # Radix scrophulariae # Figwort # Scrophulariaceae ! 旋覆花 # Inula flowers # Inula !

雪蛤 # Forest frog # Snow clam # Hashima!

雪蛤膏 # Forest frog cream # Snow clam paste # Hasma! 寻骨风 # Bones wind # Dutchmanspipe # Find bone wind! ,鸭舌草 # Duck tongue grass # Monochoria

延胡索 # Corydalis






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