
2018-07-24 作文 阅读:


我是小溪,  源自于絮风中飘飘洒洒的细雨,  我也许熬不过夏日炎炎,  不及长江一般滚滚东去,  但我有光滑的石子夹着水草,  清澈的溪水映着轻快的游鱼。  我是平地,  覆盖着旭日里郁郁青青的草衣。  我也许顶不住东风猎猎,  不如黄山一般青翠称其,  但我有淡淡的花香伴着蝴蝶,  初暖的春风随着游人在这里休憩。  我就是我,  一个大千世界中,  普普通通的奇迹。  我普通,  因为我的确不是天生的神童。  我是奇迹,  因为我懂得欣赏自己。  他也许有许英俊的外表,  但我有精致充实的内心。  他也许有万贯家私,  但我有一个普通家庭的温馨。  他也许有轰轰烈烈的人生,  但我的人生同样充满意义!  即使我一无所有,  我人可以欣赏我自己。  因为一无所有的活下去,  本生就是一种奇迹。  人们需要长江,但同样舍不得小溪;  人们需要黄山,但同样离不开平地.  学会欣赏自己,  我就是我,你就是你。  他日再见长江,我们只需微微一笑;  明天再赌黄山,我们只需沉默不语。  因为我就是我,你就是你。


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New chapter in space history
  The Shenzhou-V, or “Divine Ship,” has carried the first Chinese into orbit and the country into the prestigious space club pioneered four decades ago by the former Soviet Union and the United States. As the inventor of the ancient rocket, the Chinese nation had cherished a space dream for centuries. The launch of its first satellite, the Dongfanghong, in 1970 ushered in China"s space age. Now, the Shenzhou-V marks another giant stride in China"s space trek.
  As the world"s largest developing country, China is more than proud of making its own contribution to human beings" outer space exploration.
  By reigniting people"s interest in the universe, China"s latest accomplishment appears especially important for rejuvenating the world"s space programmes, which have unfortunately been bogged down by accidents in recent years.
  The blast-off of China"s first manned spacecraft will definitely breathe new energy into the country"s pursuit of space technologies for the overall welfare of its people. Just imagine what new seed varieties with higher yields and better qualities, which are developed in space, would mean to a country with 1.3 billion people. It is hoped that wider applications of space technology will turn out to be an important driving force in the country"s economic and social development.
  Expensive as they are, manned missions are worth it. In addition to offering a tremendous boost to a country"s technological capabilities and creating a plenitude of other possibilities, they are a huge morale booster.
  The successful launch of Shenzhou-V has clearly showcased the value of devotion, co-operation and pursuit of the unknown. And the upbeat spirit the first Chinese astronaut demonstrated in the face of the unknown will inspire the nation to take on challenges as it continues to evolve. (285 words)






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