
2018-07-05 作文 阅读:


My favourite Subject
English is my favourte subject because English is used widely in the world,especially in Yiwu, a city with so many foreigners. What"s more,I like it because my English teacher is kind and friendly to me.
In order to learn English well,I read English aloud every morning and listen to the teacher carefully in class. After class,I often wacth English programs and keep an English diary every day. In a word, I love English and I will continue to learn it better.


music music是音乐 science science是科学Painting painting是画画computer games电脑游戏有说法。
少儿学科科目英语单词顺口溜二:schoolbag是书包,书包里面有什么?Chinese book,math book,English book。快来开呀,那些书是什么?音乐课(书)music,艺术书 art book,还有笔记本 notebook 多美呀,Story book 也来啦,看完故事笑呵呵。
少儿学科科目英语单词顺口溜三:music音乐真动听science科学显神通sports大家来运动彩色绘画paintingcomputer game我能行
少儿学科科目英语单词顺口溜四:要学课程真不少。Maths,Math数学,数学Math要细心。Chinese,Chinese中文,中文Chinese方方正。Science,Science科学,科学Science高科技。Computer Studies, Computer Studies电脑课,电脑课Computer Studies趣味浓。Art,Art艺术,艺术Art冶情操。Social Science,Social Science社会社会Social Science知识广。English,English英语,英语English全球通。PE,PE体育课,体育PE展筋骨。


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