
2017-02-09 作文 阅读:






雨果在1861年写道:“有一天,两个强盗闯进了圆明园,一个洗劫,另一个放火。似乎得胜之后,便可以动手行窃了„„两个胜利者,一个塞满了腰包,这是看得见的,另一个装满了箱箧。他们手挽着手,笑嘻嘻地回到了欧洲。将受到历史制裁的这两个强盗,一个叫法兰西,另一个叫英格兰。” 圆明园的毁灭是我们中国人的耻辱,我一定要好好读书,将来为中国人洗清这份耻辱!





可就在1860年,英法联军冲进圆明园中,他们把凡是能拿走的都拿走,拿不走的就故意破坏,还在圆明园内放火。想到这,英法联军真是太可恶里了。 他们太大胆了,竟然在我们中国的地方放火还拿走了我们中国最珍贵的历史文物。这是我想起了圆明园中每个两小时喷水一次的十二生肖。这也属于中国的文物自从英法联军抢东西后,直到现在,我国才找到六个,有三个下落不明,还有三个在英国那里。






























学完了这篇课文,我感到非常愤怒与惋惜!圆明园是多少中国人民的血汗才建成的呀!它修建就用了150年的时间!这么巨大的工程需要多少人力与物力呀!圆明园是我们中国古代人民智慧的结晶!如果,圆明园还存在,那它就是我们的无价之宝!是我们不可估量的拥有。现在,圆明园被英法联军洗劫一空,那它就是我们不可估量的损失。圆明园中那几根石柱告诉我:“英法两大对人马闯进了圆明园,他们像强盗一样强盗一样抢走了我们的奇珍异宝、名人书画。他们还随意破坏。孩子们,你们一定不能忘记我们国家曾受过的耻辱,要振兴中华!”我恨可恶的英法联军,也恨从前的清政府。他们软弱无能,没有丝毫反抗能力,是他们把圆明园拱手让给了英法联军!现在我们的国家越来越强盛,我们一定要刻苦学习,把祖国建设地更加强盛! 《圆明园的毁灭读后感500字》





野蛮的英法联军,是你们在1860年烧毁了我们中国人民智慧的结晶;是你们掠走了我们祖国宝贵的文化遗产;是你们给中国人民带来了深重的苦难。我还知道在你们野蛮的国度里有这么一对世界罪人,那就是额尔金父子,他们不但烧毁了圆明园,而且之前还烧毁了希腊的巴特神农庙。法国着名的作家雨果曾给你们写过一封信,信中有一句这样的话:在地球的某一个角落,有一个世界奇迹,这个奇迹的名字叫作圆明园。如今,你们已把这个世界奇迹用以无比野蛮的方式销毁掉了,难道你们还不觉得可耻吗?你们终究会成为世界历史的罪人。 大量的课外阅读中,我了解到圆明园见证了中国历代的辉煌和清政府的腐败无能。


Yuanmingyuan Park --An Eternal Monument

Yuanmingyuan (Garden of perfect splendor) is renowned throughout the world for its fabled charms and association with Chinese modern history. Extolled as the “Garden of Gardens”and the “Versailles of the East”during its heyday. It was an imperial summer resort painstakingly built and repeatedly expanded under the personal supervision of five emperors of the Qing Dynasty.

Located in the northern part of Haidian District in Beijing, Yuanmingyuan is composed of three comparatively independent but interconnected gardens: Yuanmingyuan, Changchunyuan (Garden of Eternal Spring), and Qichunyuan (Garden of

Blossoming Spring). Covering an area of

about 350 hectares, Yuanmingyuan was a

vast landscaped garden at once grand in

scale and enchanting in scenery. Its green

hills and exquisite architecture were laid out

with picturesque appeal, and decorated with

thriving trees and beautiful flowers. As to

close sights, the rolling hills and maze of streams and lakes divided the whole garden into more than 100 scenes, their captivating beauty enhanced by a host of pavilions, corridors, islands, and bridges. About 40 percent of the garden was covered by rivers and lakes, connected into an integral system by winding streams and dotted with more than 250 hills and rock formations. The water's constant murmur rendered life and soul to the hills and rocks. And together they transformed the entire complex into a landscaping and horticultural miracle which stood comparison with the beauty of the natural scenery south of the Yangtze River.

Yuanmingyuan was not only famed for its beauty. It was also an imperial museum with a vast collection of cultural treasures. The French writer Victor Hugo once remarked, "With all its treasures, Notre Dame in Paris is no match for Yuanmingyuan, that enormous and magnificent museum in the East." Furniture made of red sandalwood decorated the numerous halls in which countless rare cultural relics were on display. As one of the four most famous imperial libraries, the Wenyuan Hall (Hall of Literary Profundity) in the garden originally housed such precious ancient books as The Complete Library of Four Branches of Books (《四库全书》), Gems of the Complete Library of Four Branches of Books (《四库全书荟要》), and The Completed Collection of Graphs and Writings of Ancient圆明园介绍500字。


Modern Times (《古今图书集成》).

The skill and sophistication of the

builders of this historic "Garden of

Gardens," and the cultural treasures

contained within it, failed to escape the

destruction inflicted on China by the

Western powers. In October 1860, the

Anglo-French forces sacked and looted圆明园介绍500字。

Yuanmingyuan and burned it to the

ground. From then on, the garden

suffered continual damage at the hands of the warlords, bandits, and the Eight-Power Allied Forces. * Its former beauty and glory no more, the entire garden lay in clusters of ruins and debris. In hushed silence it bore witness to the atrocities of the Western powers and the corruption and incompetence of the Qing rulers, and admonished the Chinese people never to forget the tragedy.

The wheels of history, however, move on inexorably. Yuanmingyuan has since undergone great changes, after the birth of the People's Republic. The Chinese government has attached great importance to the preservation of the ruins. The district and municipal governments have placed Yuanmingyuan on a list of key cultural sites under special protection. Residential land has been requisitioned, and massive reforestation efforts have been carried out. Decades of painstaking work has turned half of the garden into green groves teeming with hundreds of thousands of trees. Most of the building foundations have been unearthed, and the remains of over a dozen scenic rock formations duly preserved. The existing carved marble masonry of the European Palaces has been pieced together to become a tourist attraction in its own right.

A short journey back in history is revealing. To facilitate such a journey, the local government of Haidian District set up an administrative office for Yuanmingyuan in November 1976, which has made remarkable progress in protecting the ruins and reforesting the area. The framework of the European Palaces has been partly restored. Roads and basic facilities for the eastern half of the garden have been built and gradually improved. As a result, the number of tourists attracted to the site is increasing annually.

In November 1979, the Yuanmingyuan History Exhibition Center was formally inaugurated, to the delight of visitors from at home and

abroad. By 1997 the center had received

more than 9.8 million visitors.

On October 18, 1980, at a conference

marking the 120th anniversary of the

destruction of the old imperial summer

palace, Soong Ching Ling, Shen Yanbing,

Xi Zhongxun and over 100 other state

leaders and prominent personages initiated

a proposal on the preservation, restoration, and utilization of Yuanmingyuan. The Institute for the Study of Yuanmingyuan was established on the same day, thereby kindling extensive public interest in the study and preservation of this "Garden of Gardens."

A garden destroyed during a nation's most traumatic years is bound to be revived in times of prosperity. In 1983 the State Council endorsed the General Plan for the Construction of Beijing. This document defined the ways and means for the development of Yuanmingyuan as a historic park. Yet, due to events in recent history, more than 2,000 mu (1 mu=1/15 hectare) of land in the park had been converted into farmland. To find a way out for the farmers, therefore, became a difficult problem. In September 1984 this problem was solved. At the suggestion of Zhang Huanwu, Du Hui, Shi Dingchao and other leaders of the Haidian District, and with the support of the Institute for the Study of Yuanmingyuan and people from all walks of life, the Administrative Office launched a project to rally the efforts of the farmers to develop the park collectively. This marked another major step for the reconstruction of Yuanmingyuan.

The guiding principle for the park's development is to transform the lakes and streams and plant trees on a large scale, while accentuating the importance of the historical ruins as a prominent feature of Yuanmingyuan. Accordingly, park workers and staff members have spared no efforts to preserve the sights, reconstruct the buildings, and restore the water system, hills, and rock gardens. Their efforts made it possible for the Yuanmingyuan Park to be opened to the public on a trial basis in June 1988. In the same year, the park was designated by the State Council as a key cultural site at the national level.

To highlight the characteristics of the ruins, the Administrative Office has put them




meticulous care during the course of restoration. They have cleared certain sites, and erected description boards for the benefit of visitors. Over the past decade, they have repaired bridges, paved roads, cleared lakes, and reforested the hills. Furthermore, they have built many service facilities and purchased more than 300 pleasure-boats to ply the serene waters of the garden. Thus visitors from all over the world can now capture some of the original beauty of this summer resort, and appreciate the glamour of more than a dozen replicas of ancient buildings, under the cooling shade of glorious trees. The district and municipal authorities and the former State Education Commission also designated Yuanmingyuan as a national education base.

The eastern half of the garden has

gradually taken shape, where a number of

scenic areas are open to tourists, such as the

fuhai Scenic Area, the eastern part of

Qichunyuan, and the European Palaces of

Changchunyuan, which have regained their past

glory with green hills and blue water enhanced

by luxuriant trees and fragrant flowers, The

park has also become the venue for a series of annual festivals. Including the Spring Outing Festival, the Lotus Flower Festival, and the Chrysanthemum Festival.

Having been open to the public for a decade. Yuanmingyuan still has a long way to go to become a full-fledged park of historic ruins. For example, its western part is crying for development , and more funds are needed for this, as well as for many other purposes. The Administrative Office is making every effort to tackle these difficulties so that they can complete the restoration of the park in the early 21st century.









1、今天这节课我们继续学习22 圆明园的毁灭。
















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