
2016-11-17 作文 阅读:


Continuing Education

1. 当今时代,很多人都会选择继续深造来提升自己的知识水平以跟上时代的发展

2. 作为年轻人,我应该怎么办

With the rapid development of the modern society, especially with the deep influence of recent global financial crisis, more and more people have realized the importance of keeping learning expertise knowledge and skills to enhance their competence for better life and career. Enterprise management, computer and information technology, law, economics, accounting and foreign language may be deemed as most popular subjects of continuing education. “White-collars” walk back to school from office buildings for further improvement. As young people in this modern time, I should keep learning and make myself most updated with the quickly refreshing information and technologies. I should be prepared for the future and serving the society with my own strength.


Benefits of Reading 1.阅读有很多好处,如:增长知识,开阔眼界等 2应如何进行阅读

Although the modern people can obtain information from various media, including medias with most developed technologies like internet and digital TV, as well as traditional medias like radio, newspaper and magazine, but reading, should still be one of the most popular information channel, which not only quickly and efficiently provides people with instant information, but also lead people to think deeply. Good reading habits can widen

knowledge scope and open your eyes. While you can be informed with big news and enjoy fantastic analysis through reading newspaper and magazines, you can have more time and space to explore a new world and experience different life by reading a good book. Choose a book with thoughts to be shared and read it at regular time (e.g., bed reading) is referred, which can make you relax after one-day work. If you need more knowledge, taking notes when reading could be a go choice.

第三篇:根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 我的暑假

1. 我的暑假里发生了一些有意义或很有意思的事情。2.我对下一个暑假的计划。

I really enjoyed this summer holiday. As you may know, I went to a orphan center to be a volunteer serving as a company with kids there. I read stories and dressed dolls for girls, watched TV and played ball games with boys. Kids there were lovely and vivid. I really doubted why their parents dumped them when they were new babies. Live without parents could be a very sad stories. But what we can do, I believe, to better these kid’s life, is to spend more time and show more love to them. Every kid under the sky should be loved, regardless that they are beauty or not, clever or not, and health or not. I hope that what I did in this summer can be helpful to their future. For next summer, I think that I will bring my friends to the center to give more helps.


My favourite book

1. 你最喜欢的这本书的名字,你是怎样得到这本书的。 这本书的大体内容。你为什么喜欢这本书。

I own hundreds of books, including books for academic study as well as entertainment. But the most “beloved” one is a book named “Chinese Historic Stories”. My father gave me this book as my birthday gift when I was 14. I am a big fan of Chinese history, which may not be the interest of most kids in the school. I enjoy traditional Chinese story telling by Mr. Shan Tianfang, and some of his stories can also be found in this books. It is important for a Chinese people to well know his own country’s past, which can teach modern people how to use good experience and avoid hazard in the history. “Chinese Historic Stories” contains 150 important historic events summarized in ancient Chinese official historical records. But the stories are vivid and easy to understand. I have read it for more than 20 times and can almost recite most stories. But I think that I need to spend the whole life to learn and exercise the doctrines underlying those stories.





提示:1. 早晨6:20起床,然后大声朗读英语30分钟; 2. 7点吃早饭,然后在家写家庭作业;

3. 午饭后休息一个小时,然后骑自行车去书店; 4. 晚上和父母在家看电视,10点左右上床休息。



吉姆是你的好朋友,他的生活方式很健康,请根据下面的提示写一篇短文,介绍吉姆 是如何保持身体健康的。(词数80左右) 1. 他喜欢体育活动,最喜欢的是足球,他每个星期六下午都要参加学校足球俱乐部的训练;

2. 他喜欢健康的饮食,喜欢吃蔬菜和水果,每天要喝一杯牛奶,喝很多的水,很少吃垃圾食品

3. 周末他通常在完成作业后看看电视,有时和妈妈去购物; 4.每天晚上睡眠时间为8小时。


三.请根据下面表格中的信息,以Katrina’s Healthy Life为题,写一篇短文,介绍一下





提示词语:not feel well ,a bad cold, stay in bed , for two days , can’t go to school , get well soon

要求:1.尽量使用上面所给的词语,使短文意思连贯; 2.词数:80左右。





六.你一定有许多难忘的旅游经历,它们给你留下了许多美好的回忆。请你描述你印象中最深刻的那次旅游。词数80左右。应包括下列内容: 1. Where did you go ? 2. What did you do ?

3 .How was the weather there ?

4. How were the people and the food there ? 5. What do you think of it ? 6. Do you want to go again ?


七.假如你叫李明,请根据所给材料,给外国笔友David写一封信,介绍你最喜欢的的篮球明星姚明。 姓名:姚明

生日:1980年12月9日 国籍:中国 身高:2.26米

1998年:入选中国篮球明星队(become a member of China Basketball Star Team ) 2000年:进入中国国家篮球队(National Basketball Team )

2002年:到达美国,成为NBA状元秀(the most valuable player in NBA )


八.根据汉语提示和要求,以“My dream job”为题目写一篇短文。 提示:1. 你想成为一名记者;

2. 你打算给报纸.杂志写文章; 3. 高中毕业后想去北京上大学; 4. 想在一家电台工作并环游世界。



chores , do the dishes , sweep the floor , take out the trash , make the bed , fold the clothes , clean the living room


十. 根据表格内三家电影院的信息,写一篇短文,比较一下三家影院的情况。



way we go to school”为题,写一篇短文,向Richard介绍自己和同学们的到校方式。




Lisa : Hi , Cody . Can you come to our dinner party ? Cody : When is it ?

Lisa : It’s on Saturday , May 28 , at eight o’clock . Cody : Is it in your home ? Lisa : Yes . Can you come ? Cody : Great ! I’d love to .



信感谢 Lisa的邀请,并说明不能去的理由(母亲病了,要照顾她,还要写作业)。 Dear Lisa ,

Thanks for your invitation .




十五 .请你写一篇制作香蕉奶昔的说明书。使用first , next , then , finally等词。 INSTRUCTION

First , _________________________________________________ Next , _________________________________________________ Then , _________________________________________________

Finally , _______________________________________________


十六. 大家一起去野餐,每个人都带了自己喜欢而且是亲手制作的食物,有披萨,汉堡,

三明治,水果沙拉,爆米花。。。你带了什么呢?是怎样做的呢?以My favorite food为题,写一篇短文。



十七 .请以班长的身份写一则通知,告诉大家明天(10月10日)学校将组织大家出去野




This is your monitor . I have something to tell you .______________________________ 十八 . 假如你叫李明,请写一封信给你的外国笔友John,向他描述学校组织你们在海边

玩的快乐情景。信的内容应包括以下要点: 1. 在海滩上玩的具体内容 2. 在水族馆里看到的景物

3. 购买了纪念品,还吃了海鲜。 Dear John ,

On our last school trip , I ______________________________________________

Write soon .

Li Ming


When people mention basketball,I believe everyone will thought of The National Basketball Association,Merely,most people know it's abbreviation NBA.There is no doubt that American basketball is the champion in the world.Of cause,the culture of American basketball is become one of the most important part of American culture.This culture influence the development of American and the world. Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith in1939.After 7 years,American sets up NBA.At first,there are just 11 terms in NBA,but now, the NBA expanded to 30 teams competing in two conferences4, the Eastern and Western, in four separate divisions.In the first week of November,the NBA begins its 82 game regular season.After the NBA season concludes in the third week in April,a total of 16 teams qualify for the playoff.(8 teams from each conference).At last,the champions from the Eastern and Western conferences then meet in a best-of-seven series to determine the NBA champion.

Annually, the person of the whole world is attracted to watch NBA games.NBA also bring great business interests.In our live,you can find NBA goods full of TV,street,Internet,etc.Many NBA superstars are familiar to people,such as:Michael Jordan,Kobe Bryant,Dwyane Wade,etc.In 2002 the identity of the NBA draft,Chinese player Yao Ming was chosen by the term of Houston Rockets.Yao as a link is promote the basketball culture of Chinese and American.

Now,American basketball culture still influence the world.This culture represent the spirit of positive,brave and the Olympic.2011-2012 season will end in June,let us witness the birth of a new champion.


The Post’s Steve Serby sat down with Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin to talk about his life as an instant New York superstar, his faith and more.


Q: Describe what it’s like being Jeremy Lin today. 问:谈谈作为现在的林书豪是什么感觉?

A: It’s a lot going on right now and just trying to catch my breath every day, just something different every day, just taking it one day at a time and . . . living a dream, but also realizing with this comes a lot of responsibility.


Q: And a loss of privacy?


A: And a loss of privacy.


Q: How do you feel about that?


A: It’s obviously a little tough, just because I’m kind of more low key and private. But it’s a good opportunity, it’s a good platform.


Q: You want to use that platform for what? 问:你想用这样的平台做些什么呢?

A: For God, for God’s glory, and I think that’s shown in a lot of different ways. It simply could be the way I live my life, what I talk about in my interviews, what I talk about through social media. It could be what I do in my spare time, what I do through my foundation . . . just a lot of different areas . . . how I spend mywww.fz173.com_最爱的篮球明星林书豪英语作文80词。



Q: Knicks fans are afraid to pinch themselves right now — do you not want to pinch yourself right now? 问:尼克斯的球迷现在害怕要掐自己一下(不敢相信这是真的),你想掐自己一下吗?

A: Yeah, let’s keep this going (smiles).


Q: Your 17 jersey is the No. 1 seller in the NBA, is that hard to believe?


A: I mean, I think it’ll be like that for a little bit . . . and then things will resume to the way they were before (chuckles).


Q: Why do you say that?


A: Because right now, this is the thing that’s going on, and the Knicks are just a team that everyone’s watching, and so you’ll see a spike in jersey sales like when (Tim) Tebow first started, his jerseys went up, and then as the season went on, it kind of leveled out.


Q: How does that make you feel though?


A: I think it’s awesome, I’m thankful for that, for sure. I love the fans, no question.


Q: What do you love about Knicks fans?


A: I love when they bring positive energy, like they have been, the last two weeks. Because when they’re rooting for you, and they’re rooting for you hard, man, there’s no better place to play and there’s no better atmosphere to play in.


Q: Define swagger, because you have it now, and I don’t think you always had that swagger.


A: I would say I show more emotion now. And I let it all hang, like I did in high school. I got away from it a little bit in college, and I got away from it a






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