
2016-07-19 作文 阅读:


精选作文:凝聚(700字)作文 雾起云涌,天灰雨蒙,广州被白银雨滴点缀了一番又一番,这雨剥削少许新春的活力,凝聚一股道不尽的忧愁。 外边下雨了,今天就不要出门了。 爸,那妈呢? && 正午时分,雨早早地退下,遗留一路湿地,带回了湿漉漉的妈妈。妈妈疲惫地拖着一大黑色塑料袋,从门口挪了进来,雨点润湿了她枯黄开叉的头发。她无力地瘫在沙发上,软趴趴的像一条鲶鱼,雨水贱她一身狼狈。妈妈红肿的手撑着支起腰来,肩头因承了巨担而竖直垂下,可怜的上半身就像树下粗藤蜷起的秋千,摇摇摆摆。塑料袋提手勒在她的指尖,煞白的勒痕让我看见若干麻木的血细胞,都在外皮组织下奄奄一息了。满满的泥泞玷污了妈妈的靴子,连鞋更也被蹭坏了,雨水打湿了靴筒,木黄的皮料,一天里白黄相间,那是妈妈最爱的&& 不知不觉,垂帘的窗纱与窗外景融为一体,薄薄的透过帘,看见一层层纱在轻轻的滑下,悄悄的,悄悄的,悄悄的,但我还是观察到它了,柔和得让我心动。 我急忙迎上前把东西提上了桌,一团凌乱间无意瞄到袋里肥硕的牛腩,还有萝卜,八角&&懵懂中才想起,考试前的我错过家里的牛杂大餐而闷闷不乐,不知道妈妈是否在实现她再做一次的承诺,也不知道这东凑西拼的材料是怎样精挑细选的,只晓得这购财的?逋疽欢ê芾郏??液茉叮?茉叮?茉丁n腋??溃?以俅味崛×四盖姿暝碌墓饣??顾??圆咨?& 水珠划过窗台,沉沉地坠落,一会儿雨便淅淅沥沥地,滴滴答答响起。我的心头渐渐涨起咸咸的潮汐,掺起的浪花,狠狠地溅在我脸蛋上。 雨停了又起,起了又停,反反复复地巡回随机,每一次回味着不一样的感觉。爱即是愁。母亲对我的爱,付出了她光彩的年华。 此刻,我读懂了雨声里凝聚着的亲情,和那阵爱的意境。初三:满分试卷









































《凝聚》 作文指导及范文

【原题回放】 凝聚亲情,才会有幸福的家庭;凝聚友谊,才会有温馨的集体;凝聚爱心,才会有和谐的社会;凝聚智慧和力量,才能够战胜困难,实现理想??请以凝聚为题目,写一篇文章。






















一、Directions:In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following chart in your writing, you should

1) Interpret the chart and

2) Give your comments

You should write at least 150 words.

Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET 2. ( 15 points)【凝聚的作文700字(7篇)】


From the bar chart above we can see that people in cities are doing less exercise than before. In 2006, 80 in every 100 people take regular exercise, but in 2011, the number has declined to only 10. As I see it, there are mainly 2 reasons contributing to this phenomenon.

For one thing, the stressful life of the modern society has made it hard for young people to find time to do exercise. /People don’t do exercise because they don’t have time./ Owing to the one-child policy of our country, the young couples have to take care of four parents, which take up most of their spare time. Besides, the competition in the labor market gets more and more fierce, and they have to work hard in order to survive.

For another, many young people have lost their interest in sports because they have various/ diversified entertainment. In the past, young people didn’t have many choices to relax, so many choose to play basketball, volleyball, badminton, football, and so on. But now, they can stay indoors playing computer games, which is very time-consuming.

Modern entertainment is very enjoyable, but they are not physically beneficial. In my opinion, young people should go outdoors and enjoy the sunshine and the fun of sports, rather than stay indoors all day long. When they lose their health, they will regret.


Directions:In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following chart in your writing, you should

1) Interpret the chart and

2) Give your comments

You should write at least 150 words.

Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET 2. ( 15 points)

From the pie charts above we can see that there has been a dramatic change in people’s ways of transportation between 2000 and 2011. In 2000, bikes and buses are the major means of transportation, while in 2011, subways thrive and much more people have private cars. As I see it, there are mainly two reasons contributing to this phenomenon.

For one thing, city construction has changed people’s means of transportation. In the past, there were few subways, so people had to rely on bus or bike. But now, subways can almost take you anywhere you want.

For another, accompanied by the development of society, people have the needs to change their ways of transportation. In the past, people had little money, and could only afford a bike. But now many people have private cars.

As we have more money, we can predict that in a near future, most people in cities will have cars, which will cause a lot of traffic and environmental problems. All of us should take the responsibility for environmental protection and choose subways or bikes as much as possible.

三、 现代社会年轻人压力大的问题


Owing to the fierce competition in the workplace and the great pressure in life, many people, especially young people are shouldering great burden and always find life stressful. Some of them are developing psychological problems and some even kill themselves. In order to help these young people get out of trouble, I think we can take the following measures:

The government should take some measures to help young people to release their stress. On the one hand, the authority should limit the length of time the enterprises require the employees to work overtime. / the organizations should not require the employees to work too long. On the other, they can organize some activities for their employees to make friends, which can offer young people a channel to let out their stress.

Young people themselves should build up their mind to face the difficulties and hardships in life. Hardships are always in the eyes of the weak. If we are spiritually strong, there are few troubles we can’t overcome.

Life is always hard, but we can’t change the world. If we can’t change it, we must learn to change with it. We should focus on the beautiful things in life rather than the hardships.

四、Hunting for jobs on line

Now there is a wave of hunting for jobs on line. Instead of looking for a job in a personnel market or via ads of newspapers and magazines, a job hunter tends to turn to the Net, because of its convenience and high success rate and more opportunities. Many people now resort to this new way, less depending upon the traditional methods.

There are many advantages that people take use of the modern scientific and technological product---the internet. In the first place, it's very convenient. A job seeker can look for a job without bothering to get recommendation from his friends, bosses, or wasting time at an employment exchange. In the second place, it's quite simple. A job hunter can get an opportunity for a job interview by simply clicking the ads online and sending his or her resume through an e-mail. Lastly, it's fair, for everyone can utilize this modern means to win his opportunities, even the ones beyond his dream.

With the ever-increasing popularity of the internet, this new trend of job hunting will win favor among more people in our country, which will benefit not only the applicants but also the employers who are eager to find the most qualified staff members.


Accompanied by the process of globalization and widespread cross-culture communication, we Chinese are getting familiar with western cultures. As a result, some western festivals like the St. Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. are becoming very popular. From my viewpoint, there are mainly two reasons contributing to this phenomenon.

For one thing, our country and the people are more open to the outside world. Thanks to the opening and reform policy, we know more about foreign countries and their cultures. We learn from our textbooks about how western people enjoy their holidays and gradually we are taking them as part of our life.

For another, the powerful influence of western culture is also taking effects in our country. For example, the movies produced by Hollywood are widely enjoyed and the NBA games are attracting most young people. These movies and games are making great contribution to the spread of western culture.

Western festivals make our life more colorful. We can have more fun and get-togethers with our friends and family during the holiday. However, we should not forget our traditional festival while enjoying Christmas.【凝聚的作文700字(7篇)】




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