
2016-07-16 作文 阅读:


一、Directions:In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following chart in your writing, you should

1) Interpret the chart and

2) Give your comments

You should write at least 150 words.

Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET 2. ( 15 points)


From the bar chart above we can see that people in cities are doing less exercise than before. In 2006, 80 in every 100 people take regular exercise, but in 2011, the number has declined to only 10. As I see it, there are mainly 2 reasons contributing to this phenomenon.

For one thing, the stressful life of the modern society has made it hard for young people to find time to do exercise. /People don’t do exercise because they don’t have time./ Owing to the one-child policy of our country, the young couples have to take care of four parents, which take up most of their spare time. Besides, the competition in the labor market gets more and more fierce, and they have to work hard in order to survive.

For another, many young people have lost their interest in sports because they have various/ diversified entertainment. In the past, young people didn’t have many choices to relax, so many choose to play basketball, volleyball, badminton, football, and so on. But now, they can stay indoors playing computer games, which is very time-consuming.

Modern entertainment is very enjoyable, but they are not physically beneficial. In my opinion, young people should go outdoors and enjoy the sunshine and the fun of sports, rather than stay indoors all day long. When they lose their health, they will regret.


Directions:In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following chart in your writing, you should

1) Interpret the chart and

2) Give your comments

You should write at least 150 words.

Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET 2. ( 15 points)

From the pie charts above we can see that there has been a dramatic change in people’s ways of transportation between 2000 and 2011. In 2000, bikes and buses are the major means of transportation, while in 2011, subways thrive and much more people have private cars. As I see it, there are mainly two reasons contributing to this phenomenon.

For one thing, city construction has changed people’s means of transportation. In the past, there were few subways, so people had to rely on bus or bike. But now, subways can almost take you anywhere you want.

For another, accompanied by the development of society, people have the needs to change their ways of transportation. In the past, people had little money, and could only afford a bike. But now many people have private cars.

As we have more money, we can predict that in a near future, most people in cities will have cars, which will cause a lot of traffic and environmental problems. All of us should take the responsibility for environmental protection and choose subways or bikes as much as possible.

三、 现代社会年轻人压力大的问题


Owing to the fierce competition in the workplace and the great pressure in life, many people, especially young people are shouldering great burden and always find life stressful. Some of them are developing psychological problems and some even kill themselves. In order to help these young people get out of trouble, I think we can take the following measures:

The government should take some measures to help young people to release their stress. On the one hand, the authority should limit the length of time the enterprises require the employees to work overtime. / the organizations should not require the employees to work too long. On the other, they can organize some activities for their employees to make friends, which can offer young people a channel to let out their stress.

Young people themselves should build up their mind to face the difficulties and hardships in life. Hardships are always in the eyes of the weak. If we are spiritually strong, there are few troubles we can’t overcome.

Life is always hard, but we can’t change the world. If we can’t change it, we must learn to change with it. We should focus on the beautiful things in life rather than the hardships.

四、Hunting for jobs on line

Now there is a wave of hunting for jobs on line. Instead of looking for a job in a personnel market or via ads of newspapers and magazines, a job hunter tends to turn to the Net, because of its convenience and high success rate and more opportunities. Many people now resort to this new way, less depending upon the traditional methods.

There are many advantages that people take use of the modern scientific and technological product---the internet. In the first place, it's very convenient. A job seeker can look for a job without bothering to get recommendation from his friends, bosses, or wasting time at an employment exchange. In the second place, it's quite simple. A job hunter can get an opportunity for a job interview by simply clicking the ads online and sending his or her resume through an e-mail. Lastly, it's fair, for everyone can utilize this modern means to win his opportunities, even the ones beyond his dream.

With the ever-increasing popularity of the internet, this new trend of job hunting will win favor among more people in our country, which will benefit not only the applicants but also the employers who are eager to find the most qualified staff members.


Accompanied by the process of globalization and widespread cross-culture communication, we Chinese are getting familiar with western cultures. As a result, some western festivals like the St. Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. are becoming very popular. From my viewpoint, there are mainly two reasons contributing to this phenomenon.

For one thing, our country and the people are more open to the outside world. Thanks to the opening and reform policy, we know more about foreign countries and their cultures. We learn from our textbooks about how western people enjoy their holidays and gradually we are taking them as part of our life.

For another, the powerful influence of western culture is also taking effects in our country. For example, the movies produced by Hollywood are widely enjoyed and the NBA games are attracting most young people. These movies and games are making great contribution to the spread of western culture.

Western festivals make our life more colorful. We can have more fun and get-togethers with our friends and family during the holiday. However, we should not forget our traditional festival while enjoying Christmas.


Coming into the new century, as global warming and climate change become more serious than before, environmental protection has become an issue of wide concern. From my point of view, we can solve the problem from the following angles.

The government should take measures to limit the development of those industries that cause much pollution. Through taxation, some energy-intensive businesses can be transformed to the technology-intensive industry. We can also move the factories that bring about much pollution far away from the densely-populated areas.

However, environmental protection is a responsibility that should not only/ solely be shouldered by the government. Only when everyone in the society is aware of the importance of environment will we have a really pollution-free world. Therefore, the government can take all kinds of measures to raise the public awareness of environment.

In addition, the industry should take their responsibility. While strengthening their productive ability, the businesses should spend more energy to enhance their innovative ability to reduce or even eliminate the pollution they make.


In the Information Age, computer is gaining its popularity at an amazing rate, and it brings a lot of convenience to our life and work. However, some people have become so dependent on this modern tool that they can hardly live without it. As a result, their work has been influenced and some even have their family broken up. In my opinion, we can solve the problem from the following angles.

On the one hand, we should overcome our dependence on computers. We should know that the online world is unreal, and we can’t get real food or real love from it. We should actively take part in some activities that involve cooperation and communication, through which we can make a lot of friends in the real world.

On the other hand, the family should limit the time of those who use computers. If one of your family members is spending too much time in front of the computer, you can take him out for some entertainment or just have a walk, or just do sports. Such activities can distract him from the online world.

The life without computer is a lot of fun. Once away from the internet, people will find the real joys in the real life. Just think of the days when we used pens to write letters. It is the memory that can always touch our souls.


From the bar chart above, we can see that there has been a gradual increase in the percentage of women getting into the management position. The social status of women has improved. However, there is still serious inequality and we should solve the problem from the following angles.

The government should take effective measures to create opportunities for women. For example, it can lay down in the regulation that there should be a certain percentage of women in the management position. Enterprises and government should offer women more opportunities to pursue further study.

Women themselves should actively and aggressively work for higher position. They should change the traditional idea that women are just housewives. They can play more important roles than taking care of children or doing cooking.

Women should always remember, they are half of the sky. They are not less capable than men. The world might be more peaceful if many of the government leaders are women.

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朋友作文(7篇) 朋友作文(1) 我有一个朋友,和他认识的时间也不是很长,大概也就三年不到一点,但是这三年他教会了我很多东西,如果没看到过他本人,真的很难想像会是他。刚进学校时我就看到他了,因为外表很特殊,所以一眼就看到了。 巧合的是他和我又是一个班的。我记得很清楚,他是倒数第三个进班级的,当时班里的凳子不是很多,所以大都是和不认识的同学坐在一起的,我特地选了最前面的位子,想着应该没人会想坐在前面,但因为没几个位置了,他就坐在了我的旁边,我当时其实是有点不太情愿的,但想着以后还要做同学就没说什么了。 开学后没多久大家打球打着打着也就熟了,但他基本上不参加什么体育活动的,因为心脏不太好,所以申请了体育免修,平时体育课他都是坐在旁边看我们玩儿的。 除了外表比较特殊外他的发音也不是很清楚,尤其是那些需要翻转舌头的字他说的都比较模糊,比如“兄弟”他会说成“兄意”,开始还没人说,后来不知道是谁开了个什么玩笑,大家就开始嘲笑他了。 刚开始同学还只是嘲笑他的发音问题,后来有几个同学开始嘲笑他的外表了,当时我在边上听着还没觉得什么,现在再想起来突然觉得好难过、好委屈,不是所有人一生下来就正常的,有些人一生下来就和别人不一样,从出生到长大,期间一直都是在别人的嘲笑和嘲讽下度过,这种感觉真的挺难受吧。 到了二年级的时候他因为脊椎有点问题,所以每天都得带着矫正用的塑料板,刚开始大家都还没怎么样,但后面有几个同学就开始做些过分的事情了,比如在他写字的时候突然拉他背后的矫正板,他就会一下子被拉过去,又或者是用钢尺在他的矫正板上敲打,下课还好,一到上课老师在上面写东西时就听到他那儿发出笃笃笃的声音,所以他也总是被老师说。 比较严重的就是推他一下、撞他一下,如果他退还就会遭到更猛烈的攻击。 面对这些他都是用微笑面对,平时的他也总是一副很满足的表情,很少见他有生气之类的情绪。 因为我的理科比较差,所以有的时候会去问他,他也总是很耐心的回答我,有时我会说听不懂他说的,他就会直接拿出纸把他想说的写在纸上。 刚开始还觉得无所谓,但后来开始渐渐觉得有点内疚了,尤其是看到别的同学欺负他。 开始我只是让他去找老师,但每次他都是拍拍灰说没事,人家只是开玩笑的,我听他这么说心里就觉得更气了,明明是人家不对,为什么还要忍? 后来有一次几个同学直接把他放倒欺负他,我实在看不下去就把他们几个推开并警告他们在欺负他

就去告老师,他们一听告老师就走掉了。 把他扶起来后我直接就对他说以后要是他们再欺负你就告诉我。 他却还是那副笑着的表情,拍了拍灰,说没事,大家聚在一起不容易,一共就那么几年,以后可能就没机会再见到了。 在那一瞬间我突然感觉他整个人都变得高大了,因为很难想像这么一句话会是从他嘴里说出来的,从那以后我便把他当做自己朋友了。 一直到最后一年,他的头被一个同学弄开花了,事情也算闹得比较大,双方的父母都来了,我当时以为他妈会很生气,各种责怪对方,但他妈只是说都是自己儿子的错,这又让我惊讶了,教育可能不光是在学校,家里的教育也很重要把。 他家和我家隔得还比较远,大概要两个小时左右的车程,但只要不下雨,我没什么事他都会在礼拜六的早上坐车过来和我一起晨练,五点起来、七点左右到,真的让我觉得很感动。 马上就要毕业了,真心的祝福他朝着自己的梦想一步一步努力并成功吧! 高三:周阳 朋友作文(2) 时间在流逝,朋友也一个个从我身旁离开。想起那些曾经在一起谈天说地的朋友,不禁心中酸楚,因为每个人你我的距离甚远。 那些日子,去的最多的地方就是车站,流的最多的就是眼泪,说的最多的就是再见,看的最多的就是背影。林是首先离开的,一个和我做了XX年朋友的男孩,一个可以像哥哥一样保护我的男孩。他的离开,我不可以接受直到现在我也无法原谅。然后就是黑子,选择去北京当义务兵,走的那天我没有去送,因为我怕看到最坚强的人的眼泪。只听说,很多人还是忍不住哭泣,抱在一起,哭肿双眼,仍不停息。之后走的就是东阳,自云:“一去三十年。”既然选择就要面对,面对那军营的三十年的生活,我们曾半开玩笑地说道:“三十年后后,你我可都是中年了哦,那时我可能都不认识了啊!”可他却只是嬉笑,最后仍是离开。 一个个的都从我身边走过,我却无力挽留,还有没离开白城的,以就在这里的朋友,可是直觉告诉我,他们也离我越来越远。若琪告诉我,当初没有选择来一中主校,是因为在逃避,逃避分数,逃避某个人,某些承诺。而我笑了,告诉她,她的选择是对的,可是她却没有看到我眼角的那滴泪。 太多太多的朋友,因为离开,联系的次数在逐渐减少,和他们没有了以前的亲切。我真的好想他们每一个人,可是我知道,我不能因为自己的自私,而让他们失去什么,所以我只能将这份思念深藏在心中,一个人默默承受。 从一开始就知道结局,可是还要固执坚信,坚信距离已不再是问题,但现在我不得不承认我错

了,错在了天真与固执,因为距离虽已不重要,但可怕的还有时间。 林走了半学期,虽然每天都有短信告诉我在那面的生活,可我却分明感觉到这短信里以没有了从前的信任,也许是我的多虑,真希望如此。 我害怕失去朋友,更害怕失去我最好的朋友。曾经一起上学,一起逃课,一起搞恶作剧的朋友,突然告诉我往后不能和我在一起时,我的心痛了一下,虽然就一下,虽然很轻,虽然我早就知道结局:我终不能这样打扰他们二位,所以我无言点头,也许是放手。 现在没有人会在元宵节和我一起看烟花,情人节没有会给我一个可以依靠的肩膀,也许生日那天也会我一个人吧! 孤独在心中可是不敢流露因为我愿意用自己的失去去换回朋友的重新拥有,一个人也可以看晚霞,一个人也可以听雨,一个人也可以不孤单。 朋友,你们现在可都好啊,是否还会想起那个爱哭爱笑的永远长不大的我啊!【的另一面作文(7篇)】想起>中的话:牵着你的手,怎么还是要分开。我的左手与右手相扣,掌纹缠绕让我温暖,与其渴望关怀,不如一个人精彩。 谨以此文送给我在我生命中留下回忆的朋友! 朋友作文(3) 躲在角落里默默的哭泣,任泪水打湿衣襟,哭泣过去现实已然是残酷的,这就是那些失意的高三学生所面临的吗,谁可以说你不曾为了自己的梦想奋斗过,谁可以说那三点一线的道路上不曾留下你匆匆的足迹,谁可以说那嘶哑的喉咙,疲惫的眼神不是你努力过的证明,谁可以说你不曾有过成功的喜悦和欢笑,但高考把这一切都否认了,高三失意的朋友无奈,落莫哭都不知道是谁的错,只有在心底默默的告诉自己‘说什么都没用,努力吧,这说明你的努力还不够’是这样吗,许或吧,忘不了高三中自己的雄心壮志,自己的激情奋斗,也忘不了自己的孤独失意,自己的无奈落莫! 在高三的生活中一听到铃声便直冲饭堂,只是为了避免排队浪费时间用几分钟吃玩饭,便到教室背书;在高三的生活中不敢看课外书,看电视,怕浪费时间,怕心跑只是埋头在题海中,在高三的生活中我不敢看父母关切的目光,同桌疲惫的身影,老师充满希望的眼神,从考完语文的那一刻,不是考试前,我已经决定要上高四了,哥哥说你有把握吗,平时成绩还可以,就怕发挥不好。他就是一个例子,我迷茫,困惑,不知道何去何从不复习不甘心,复习又怕结果不随人愿看到那么多的复习生,学的那么辛苦,可还有那么多的不理想,到底为什么,注定的吗,真想这样的安慰自己,但在自己内心深处,却很不相信,想在拼一场,,我知道有得必要舍如果选择了复读,就要舍去

很多,在心底茫然自问,自己到底要干什么,想干什么,一直以来都是信念和意志在支撑着我,凉凉的风,静静的夜,咸咸的泪,一切都如过眼烟云,终会消散的。高三失意的朋友,更悲哀的是无眼颜面对辛苦操劳的父母,亲朋的询问,失意的朋友别太痛苦,路还很长,生活还要过,朋友意味着不只你一个,别太伤心了,想起郑智化的‘水手’中的一句‘他说风雨中这点痛算什么,擦干泪,不要怕,至少我们还有梦’,对我门还有梦,我们可以用信念和意志去支撑起那个曾经破碎的心灵,用纯洁的泪水洗净那曾经混沌的双眼,因为除了坚强面对我们别无它法,我们只有笑云卷云舒,静观花开花落,我们只有抬头。 挺胸,大步向前,相信明天会更好。 朋友作文(4) 我今因病魂潦倒,唯梦闲人不梦君。 每每读到这句元稹赠给白居易的诗句,心里总会一颤颤的,毕竟被我记住的课外的唐诗不会很多,却单单从那三百首中挑了这么一句,说不出它有多么多么好,只是心底的喜欢而已,喜欢古人对朋友的尊重和珍惜,欣赏他们对知己的毕恭毕敬。 人迹难回,徒留脚步碎。 冰轮吊影,折柳能给谁? 遥想自己在求学十年中所历经的离别,无数次的错过来自千里之缘所相会的同学,甚至待到物是人非之时,连同窗十二月的朋友都统统忘却。更别说自己会闻笛折柳,劝君留惜,哪怕是那么一个小小的拜拜,或者满怀的拥抱,都不曾在别时有过。如今重拾初三时的毕业照,除了还保持联系或者印象比较深的朋友之外,其他的都一并忘却,除了姓名忘记,甚至连曾经是否有过这么一个同学还得琢磨一番。那初二的,初一的,还是之前同窗的,应该都被我忘了吧?我担心在未来的哪一天偶遇他们时,却依然被人惦记着,自己却无情将他们忘记,有怎么可能有理由怨怪自己因病魂潦倒,“唯记闲人不记君”呢? 霎时惊悟,自己错过了太多的朋友,错过了太多擦肩而过的缘分,以至于现在折腾记忆也寻不出旧时同学记忆,以至于今日成路人。可当我真正领悟到这么一点时,早是只影吊冰轮,折柳能给谁了。曾经看到过一篇关于在校大学生应该做的十件事的文章,其中有一条是要认识两百个以上的陌生人,反观自己,错过的也有两百个了吧! 朋友的你,或许已经被我忘记。惊惶中想写些东西,当对我的大意和疏忽的悔意,也希望今后的人生,我可以在月下不会独醉孤酒,把别离看得更重更有意义,把折柳挥泪当成一种习惯,千万不能错过了太多。不能等到酒逢千杯知己少时才去懊悔自己童真的友谊被活生生的错过。 如果有叶聪的旧友

,老同学看到这篇东西,能够……应该是留下点什么,让我记住你,劝君留惜,因为在你以后的路上可能会需要叶聪,那时吾必将全力以赴。 朋友作文(5) 有这样一类朋友,相隔两地,你会很想念他。你会利用各种手段,通过各种渠道和他取得联系。但若真是要和他交往了,你又会极度恐惧,你会莫名其妙地排斥他,躲避他。你害怕心目中的那份美感顷刻间破碎,你害怕和他一开始深度交往,你会对自己对朋友产生一种双重的失落感。事实上,你只希望和他保持那样不远不近的距离,在心灵上获取一份朦胧的依靠,在精神上获取一种偶像的寄托。这多少有些“叶公好龙”的意味。在现实生活中,这类朋友如雾中之花,水中之月,仅仅是一场幻梦而已。交浅言深的朋友,是怀胎七月的早产儿,终会畸形致死;即使,偶有幸存,大都也是心理变态。 有这样一类朋友,他和你在心灵的某些区域是相通的。虽然你们的关系没有结交的有钱朋友排场,没有结交的有势朋友耀眼。但是,一旦他或你有什么难为之处,对方都会竭尽自己的能力去帮另一方。这是一种很少掺杂功利的援助,是一种出自心底的爱护,是一种给你尊严的保护;而当你成功时,他又会默默替你祝福,可能他会在台下感动地为你掉眼泪,却不大可能到台上亲手给你送鲜花。这样的友情,大概就是传颂千载的君子之交吧! 有这样一类朋友,只会和你脸面上打哈哈,一涉及到实事,就立马谢了黄花。说出嘴的话,旁人听了你俩像是风雨共处多年的密友。其实,这是正宗的狐朋狗友,你有福可以与之同享,可是有难绝对不可与之同当。



推荐访问:我的另一面作文 成功的另一面作文



上一篇:当时只道是寻常作文(6篇) 下一篇:想起这件事我真高兴