
2018-06-27 演讲稿 阅读:


someone said as a soldier might regret it for three years, but not as a soldier you would penitence lifetime, as has chosen the i"s life today, gangnan can proudly say: choose special hillock maybe you will be hard for three years, but if you give up, you really miss hillock, duanqingchun value a real-life experience.
someone says, dedication is a freshness, coming softly; dedication is a prolongs carol spread through the shenzhou; but i think, dedication, is also a seed, for the land and growing need of it. to the countryside, went to the motherland places where they are needed most, maybe a lot of people think this word is obsolete, but for a need love and dedication of education industry speaking, this sentence is never falling stars, because education work also need large rural dedicated to bear them, to promote -- so, i heard the distant of lang lang shusheng children in distant call, saw children lovely eyes in anticipation. i came, my fortitude. farthest, most partial, the worst the three most scare me, here of hard, will only add to the education i a responsibility, i will in this broad land realize their life values - because there"s children need me.
i never believe that no experience is not real, i want to know my children, i want to make friends with them, and so i must be approached them, summer we walk in anti-seeping, winter we walk in the snow, in a year in my footstep in rice good many corners, we came to row door, rice benign or bellagio, seems benevolence four village experience life is understanding their living conditions, i see the children"s octylic acid or understand their late reasons, found their homework large blank real answers. they are social disadvantaged groups, there is no parents in the side left-behind children, but they are strong , they are after 1990s after the 00 board, all this and let me read them.



奉献英文二:a widow s mite: 可贵的奉献

英语口语网权威发布a widow s mite: 可贵的奉献,更多a widow s mite: 可贵的奉献相关信息请访问英语口语网。
如果把施乐行为都放在爱里,做到至善,那么,即使受助者不能从中获取实质的益处,他们也会把这种施乐行为视为“真金”—— 这也许是对圣经典故“a widow"s mite”最好的解说了。
A widow"s mite语出《新约·马可福音》。Widow自不用多说,指的是寡妇;mite是一种很小的货币单位,后被引申为“力所能及的微小贡献”。在《马可福音》12章里,有这么一段描述:
耶稣看众人给银库捐款。很多财主都往里面投了不少的钱,有一个穷寡妇也来捐款,却只投了两个小钱(two mites)。耶稣遂叫来门徒,说:“这穷寡妇投入库里的,比其他人投的都多——因为别人只把手头的盈余捐了出来;但这寡妇却捐献了自己所有的财富。”
由此典故,a widow"s mite现常用来形容“小而可贵的奉献”或者说另一层意义的“大爱”,当然,更多时候也用来指“基督徒对上帝的无私奉献”。


Michael Joseph Jackson (born August 29, 1958) is an outstanding American musician. The seventh child of the Jackson family, he debuted on the professional music scene at the age of 11 as a member of The Jackson 5 and began a solo career in 1971 while still a member of the group Referred to as the "King of Pop" in subsequent years, five of his solo studio albums have become some of the world"s best-selling records: off the Wall (1979),Thriller (1982), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and History (1995).迈克尔·约瑟夫 ·杰克逊(1958年8月29日出生),美国杰出的音乐人。他是杰克逊家族的第七个孩子。他第一次登上专业的音乐舞台是作为杰克逊五兄弟演唱组的成员。那时候他11岁。1971年,他还在这个组合时就开始了自己的独唱生涯。他的个人专辑成为了世界上销量最好的唱片——《培外》(1979),《颤栗》(1982),《真棒》(1987),《危险》和《历史》,并在之后的岁月里被誉为“流行音乐之王”。In the early 1980s, he became a dominant figure in popular music and the first African-American entertainer to amass a strong crossover following on MTV. The popularity of his music videos airing on MTV, such as "Beat it", "Billie jean" and "Thriller-credited for transforming the music videos into an art form and a promotional tool--helped bring the relatively new channel to fame. Videos such as "Black or White" and "Scream" kept Jackson as a staple on MTV into the 1990s. With stage performances and music videos, Jackson popularized a number of physically complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. His distinctive musical sound and vocal style influenced numerous hip-hop, pop and contemporary R&B artists.在20世纪80年代,他成为了流行音乐的代表人物,也是第一个在音乐电视成功之后强势转型的非洲裔美国人。他的音乐视频在音乐电视台播放,很受欢迎,比如“避开”“比利 ·琼”和“颤栗”——因为把音乐录像带变成了一种艺术形式和一种促销手段而受赞誉——这帮他把名声提到一个相当新的层次。录像带比如“是黑是白”和“尖叫”让杰克逊成为了20世纪90年代音乐电视上的重要部分。杰克逊的舞台表演和音乐视频推广了很多运用身体的复杂的跳舞技巧,比如机械舞和太空步。他与众不同的悦耳嗓音和发声方式影响了许多街舞、流行音乐和同时期的蓝调音乐艺术家们。Jackson has donated and raised millions of dollars for beneficial causes through his Dangerous World Tour, charity singles and support of 39 charities. However, other aspects of his personal life-including his changing appearance and eccentric behaviour-generated significant






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