
2018-08-05 推荐阅读 阅读:




Jan.3rd, 2001 Give me a break!


I am all ears 洗耳恭听  One day, we hired a carpenter to repair our house. I dwelt on (详细讲述)all the details that needed repairing to him. then I asked him, "Are you clear? Can you remember all that?" "Yes!" the carpenter replied. "I am all ears!" I felt puzzled and did not know what he meant. Later my eldest son explained to me that he meant, "I am listening attentively!".  I am broke 我没钱了    One day when I was walking in the school corridor, Anna ran over to me and said, "I"m broke. May I ...?" I thought she might have fallen somewhere and was injured, so I hurriedly supported her with my hands and asked her, "Are you OK? Do you want me to send you to the clinic?" She felt a little puzzled, but then she said , "I"m ok. I"m broke. May I borrow some money?"  I assumed that she wanted to borrow money to go to hospital to see a doctor, so I responded quickly, "Let me help you to call an ambulance to the hospital."  Not until then did she realize that I had not understood what she meant. She told me that "I"m broke" meant, "I"m penniless." I suddenly saw the light too.  Have an affair with...与...有暧昧关系  The president was forced to resign, for his having an affair with a film star was like a time-bomb that would sooner or later ruin his fame.  It was reported that President Clinton had an affair with a girl called Monica.  五官与英语习语  eye  The eyes are extremely precious to us. That is why we say“Mind your eye (当心)!”when we reminding someone to be careful.  Not only human beings and animals have eyes, many things also have“eyes”- the eyes of a ship, the eye of a needle, the eye of a typhoon, and so on.  ear  The ear is the organ of hearing. A piece of light music is easy on the ear. (悦耳动听). We are usually all ears (专心聆听) for bit news.  When they think somebody is overhearing, English people use either of the two proverbs: Walls have ears (隔墙有耳) and Pitchers have ears (壶罐有耳). They also think that little pitchers have big






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