
2018-07-25 推荐阅读 阅读:


1.(有交情的人) friend 2.(恋爱对象) boy friend; girl friend
Ted holds a party for his friends .特德为他的朋友们举行了一次聚会。
2.I hope your friend comes here all right .我希望你朋友顺利来到这儿。
3.I must go to the station to meet my friend ..我该到车站去接朋友了。
4.A friend in need is a friend indeed .患难中的朋友,才是真正的朋友。
5.He commiserated his friend willoughby .他为他的朋友威洛比感到遗憾。
6.A friend of mine is running for office .我的一个朋友也参加竞选了。
7.We are glad to count you as a friend .我们高兴地将您当作我们的朋友。
8.Soon the two girls were fast friends .两个姑娘很快成了忠实的朋友。
9.She "s had three letters from her friend .她已经收到朋友的三封来信。
10.He whistled to his friend to keep hidden .他吹口哨通知朋友继续隐蔽。

朋友英文怎么说篇二:朋友,我想对你说-my friend英语作文

写作翻译网权威发布朋友,我想对你说-my friend英语作文,更多朋友,我想对你说-my friend英语作文相关信息请访问英文写作翻译网。
Friend, I have too many words to say to you, do you know?Friends, you might think that gave a gift to his good friend, income something more valuable, the more performance out of our friendship everlasting. No Gift light weight, I do not need you to spend so much money to buy gifts, as long as we are in the festival or other birthday party, to send some of their own hands to make a card, although not worth much money, but sent a friend"s good wishes!Friend, remember? Six grade graduate, you put me to get out of the classroom, a Dolphin Necklace stuffed into my hand on, said to me, this sent me, when is a graduation gift, I froze, but quickly and with a smile responded to you. A few days later, I gave you a hand made of the card, and, occasionally, found that your face with a smile, the smile is so hard to forget.Graduation friends, though you and I in the same school, but not in the same class. However, you are always welcome to come to me, we are together again as before, together to discuss the issue, laughing.Friend, you are happy days for a guitar, enjoy playing for you life pleasure; it is sad days of spring breeze, gently flick your heart melancholy, is on the road to success, a mentor, warm you towards the sun belt; failure depressed a beacon, quietly for you to drive the soul the haze.Friend, I think, you to the new environment, new class, must have made a lot of good friends, right? But please don"t forget my old friend! Oh, I hope you will not forget, we have a graduation picture, right?Friend, remember how we met, and then developed into goodfriend? In grade four, I went to the experimental primary school, but I only know Yang Zheng, later, I found that you are very good! So I have no problem, will to you ask, with the passage of time, we have become the inseparable good friends, I won"t question still ask you, you don"t question will ask me. Good memory of those days!Friend, you send me all the things, I have to keep, after gr


【背后说好话,才是真朋友】He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.相关英语句 :How were the deals made behind our backs?在我们背后这些交易是怎样进行的?






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