
2018-06-29 推荐阅读 阅读:


1.When will the meeting begin?
A.At 10:30.B.At 10:50.
C.At 10:45.
2. What does the woman mean?
A.The homework can’t be due in two days.
B.She hasn’t finished her homework yet.
C.She doesn’t expect it to come so soon.
3.Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.On the street.B.At a hotel.
C.At a shop.
4.What does the woman suggest?
A.Cooking at home.
B.Eating out at McDonald’s.
C.Taking McDonald’s home.
5.What is the woman’s attitude?
A.She agrees with the man.
B.She doesn’t agree with the man.
C.She doesn’t know what to do.
6.What does the man want?
A.A cup of coffee.B.A salad.
C.A cheeseburger.
7.Where does Louise suggest the man eat?
A.At a coffee shop.B.At his house.
C.In her office.
8.Where does Louise usually have lunch?
A.At home.B.At the coffee shop.
C.In her office.
9.Why is the man late?
A.He forgot to look at his watch.
B.The maths teacher kept him in her office.
C.The maths class lasted longer than it should.
10.What do we know about the students?
A.They don’t mind the teacher’s keeping talking.
B.They don’t want to hurt the teacher.
C.They prefer to learn more maths.
11.What is the man most likely to do?
A.Talk to the maths teacher.
B.Remain silent about the problem.
C.Refuse to go to the maths teacher’s classes.
12.Who are the two speakers?




  Ⅰ.核心学习:How To Make a Speech 怎样做好演讲  Steve: Where are you lugging all of those books, Mike?  史蒂夫:迈克,你要把那些书都弄到哪去?  Mike : Back to my cubicle. I"m doing some research for a speech that I have to give.  迈克:拿到我的办公隔间去。我正在为一个演讲准备资料。  Steve: Better you than me, good buddy. I hate making speeches.  史蒂夫:幸亏是你不是我,朋友。我讨厌发表演讲。  Mike : Same here. The boss has asked me to do it and I can"t find a way to refuse!  迈克:我也一样。老板要我做,我没办法拒绝。  Steve: So what"s the topic?  史蒂夫:演讲的主题是什么?  Mike : Don"t laugh, but the topic is "How to Give a Speech".  迈克:不要笑,主题就是“怎样做演讲”。  Steve: You"re in luck today pal, I know all about making speeches.  史蒂夫:你今天很走运朋友,我对做演讲了如指掌。  Mike : You could be my lifesaver and help me then.  迈克:你真是我的救命草,那么快帮帮我。  Steve: Sure. Just tune your ears this way and take notes.  史蒂夫:没问题。你只要把耳朵转过来,做一下笔记就行了。  Ⅱ.单词简析  1) Lugging: carrying something heavy  拖,携带重物  ex:When I go to the airport, I always ask the taxi driver if he will help lugging all of my bags.  我去机场的时候总是问司机是否能帮我拿所有的行李。  2) Cubicle: office desks with small walls around them  四周有隔板的办公桌  ex:I like to decorate my cubicle with pictures of my family and friends.  我喜欢用家人和朋友的照片装饰我的办公隔间。  3) Speech: a formal talk in front of others  演讲、在众人面前的正式讲话  ex:Most people get very nervous before they make a speech.  多数人在发表演讲前都很紧张。  4) Lifesaver: a person who works at the beach to rescue drowning people  救生员、在海滩工作营救溺水者的人员  ex:David wanted to be a lifesaver but he couldn"t swim!  戴维想当救生员,可他不会游泳!  5) Improvise: make something up as you go along  即兴做某事  ex:Jazz musicians always improvise when they play - they never follow the written music.  爵士乐手常在演奏时即兴发挥,他们从不按写好的乐谱演奏。  Ⅲ.课文篇  At some time in your career you will probably have to make a speech if front of your colleagues or strangers. Keep in mind that most people feel nervous when they have to give a speech.  在你的事业生涯中,有时你可能不得不在同事或生人面前发表演讲。要记住多数人在发表演讲时都会感到紧张。  A good way to reduce your nervousness is to do plenty of research before the speech and to write down some of the main ideas that you will talk about.  减轻紧张的一个好的方法就是在发表演讲前做大量的调研工作,并把你要讲的中心写下来。  If you write the speech out word-for-word and then just read it, you will sound very boring. A better way is to write the main ideas and some of the key words and phrases and then improvise.  如果你把讲演稿逐字逐句地写下来,然后照本宣科,你的演讲听起来会很无聊。好的方法是把主要观点和一些要点词和短语写下来,然后即兴发挥。  You can make your speech more interesting using visual aids like overhead slides and Powerpoint. They will help you remember what you should say and reinforce your words so that people remember your points more clearly.  你可以用幻灯片和Powerpoint等视觉效果来使演讲更有趣。它们可以帮助你记起应该说什么,让你的话更有说服力,这样人们就会更清楚地记住你的观点。  If you get really nervous before giving a speech, try to imagine everyone in the room wearing no clothes. Although it sounds funny, you will find that it really does work!  如果你在发表演讲前确实感到紧张,试着想象一下屋子里的每个人都没穿衣服。尽管听起来有些可笑,你会发现这个方法确实很有效。  Ⅳ.对话篇  Beth : How did your speech to the Board of Directors go?  贝丝:你在董事会发表的演讲怎么样?  Sally: I think it went really well. They listened carefully and asked some good questions after I finished.  莎莉:我觉得还不错。他们听得很认真,我讲完后他们还提出了一些很好的问题。  Beth : I bet you were nervous before you started though?  贝丝:我敢说你在开始前一定很紧张?  Sally: I was very nervous at the beginning but then I remembered to imagine them all sitting there without clothes and I wasn"t so nervous after that.  莎莉:刚开始我很紧张,然后我记起来想像他们坐在那里没穿衣服,后来我就不紧张了。  Beth : It"s a good technique to use, isn"t it? I have used it many times when I have been nervous.  贝丝:这是个很好的小窍门,是不是?我紧张的时候用过很多次了。  Sally: I also made some interesting slides with all of my main points.  莎莉:对于所有的主要观点我还做了一些有趣的幻灯片。  Beth: Good thinking - I am sure that the Directors were very impressed with your speech.  贝丝:想法很好,我肯定董事们对你的演讲一定印象很深刻。  Sally: I hope so. I really put a lot of work into it.  莎莉:希望如此。我确实在上面下了很多功夫。  Beth: Just like the work that we put into our English study!  贝丝:就像我们在英语学习上下功夫一样。


( ) 1. Ray was walking on the beach one summer day.
( ) 2. A boy was drowning, but Ray went away.
( ) 3. Ray jumped into the water and saved the boy.
( ) 4. Crowds of people were watching eagerly.
( ) 5. At last, the boy was saved.
答案 I. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T
II. Listen to the questions about the passage and choose the best answer A. B. C or D.
II.听短文,选择问题的最好答案A.B. C或D。
( ) l. A. An old man. B. Ray.
C. A little boy. D. No one.
( ) 2. A. When he was walking on the beach.






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