
2018-08-08 百科 阅读:

(1) [最后一美元]英文阅读翻译之:最后一美元

Cameron , Mounger and I have been friends since we were teenagers. Both of us liked rock"n"roll, and several years after we left high schooll, Cam became a disc jockey.
Recently he told me the story about the day he was down to his last dollar. It was the day his luck -and his life -changed.
In the early 1970s, Cam was an announcer and disc jockey at KYAL in McKinney, Texas, and had attained celebrity status. He met many country-music stars, and he enjoyed flying to Nashville in the company plane with the owner.
One night Cam was in Nashville for an evening at the Grand Ole Opry. After the show an acquaintance invited him backstage with all the Opry stars, "I didn"t have any paper for autographs, so I took out a dollar bill," Cam told me ,"Before the night ended, I had virtually every Opry personality"s autograph, I guarded that dollar bill and carried it with me always, I knew I would treasure it forever."
The station KYAL was put up for sale, and many employees found themselves without a job, Cam landed part_time work at VBAP in Fort Worth and planned to hang on to This job long enough for a full_time position to open up.
The winter of 1976-77 was extremely cold. The heater in Cam"s old Volkswagen emitted only a hint of warm air; the windshield defroster didn"t work at all. Life was hard, and Cam was broke. With the help of a friend who worked at a local supermarket, he occasionally intercepted outdated, dumpster-bound TV dinners. "This kept my wife and me eating, but we still had no cash,"
One morning as Cam left the radio station, he saw a young man sitting in an old yellow Dodge in the parking lot Cam waved to him and drove away. When he went back to work that night, he noticed the car again, parked in the same space. After a couple of days, it dawned on him that this car had not moved, The fellow in it always waved cordially to him as he came and went. What was he doing sitt

(2) [最后一美元]英语阅读双语美文:最后一美元


Cameron , Mounger and I have been friends since we were teenagers. Both of us liked rock"n"roll, and several years after we left high schooll, Cam became a disc jockey.
Recently he told me the story about the day he was down to his last dollar. It was the day his luck -and his life -changed.
In the early 1970s, Cam was an announcer and disc jockey at KYAL in McKinney, Texas, and had attained celebrity status. He met many country-music stars, and he enjoyed flying to Nashville in the company plane with the owner.
One night Cam was in Nashville for an evening at the Grand Ole Opry. After the show an acquaintance invited him backstage with all the Opry stars, "I didn"t have any paper for autographs, so I took out a dollar bill," Cam told me ,"Before the night ended, I had virtually every Opry personality"s autograph, I guarded that dollar bill and carried it with me always, I knew I would treasure it forever."
The station KYAL was put up for sale, and many employees found themselves without a job, Cam landed part_time work at VBAP in Fort Worth and planned to hang on to This job long enough for a full_time position to open up.
The winter of 1976-77 was extremely cold. The heater in Cam"s old Volkswagen emitted only a hint of warm air; the windshield defroster didn"t work at all. Life was hard, and Cam was broke. With the help of a friend who worked at a local supermarket, he occasionally intercepted outdated, dumpster-bound TV dinners. "This kept my wife and me eating, but we still had no cash,"
One morning as Cam left the radio station, he saw a young man sitting in an old yellow Dodge in the parking lot Cam waved to him and drove away. When he went back to work that night, he noticed the car again, parked in the same space. After a couple of days, it dawned on him that this car had not moved, The fellow in it always waved cordially to him as he came and went. What was he doing

(3) [最后一美元]六年级语文试题——(上册)(用心灵去倾听)同步练习题

温故知新  1、写出划线词的近义词  ①小时候,家里最让我着迷的是那台老旧的电话机。( )( )  ②“问讯处”是召唤她的密语。( )( )  ③我非常想认识这个从未谋面却如同母亲的人。( )  2、找出和下面句子相照应的语句抄下来,体会这样写的好处。  ☆她沉默了一会儿说:“我希望你的手指已经好了”  ☆“汤米,我要到另一个世界去歌唱”  课文多处运用前后照应的手法的好处是  3、读句子,回答问题  但是我非常想认识苏珊,认识这个从未谋面却如同我第二个母亲的人。  ☆这个句子在文中所起的作用是  ☆用“如同我第二个母亲”来形容苏珊是因为  。  含英咀华  最后一美元  三年前那个雨雪霏霏、北风凛冽的季节,刚刚中学毕业的我,带着对音乐的狂热,只身来到纳什维尔,希望成为流行音乐节目主持人。  然而,我却四处碰壁。一个月下来,口袋里差不多已空空如也。 幸亏一位在超级市场工作的朋友用那里准备扔掉的过期食品偷偷接济我,我才勉强度日。最后,我只剩下一美元,却怎么也不舍得把它花掉,因为上面满是我喜爱的歌星的亲笔签名。  一天早晨,我在停车场留意到一名男子坐在一辆破旧不堪的汽车里。一连两天,汽车都在原地,而那名男子每次看到我都温和地向我挥挥手。我心里纳闷,这么大的风雪,他待在那儿干吗?  第三天早晨,当我走近那辆汽车时;那名男子把车窗玻璃摇下来。我停住脚步,和他攀谈起来。交谈中,我了解到,他是到这里来应聘的,但因早到了三天,所以无法立即工作,口袋里又没钱,只好待在车里不吃不喝。  他忸怩片刻,然后红着脸问我是否可以借给他一美元买点吃的,日后再还我。然而,我也是自身难保。我向他解释了我的困境,不忍看到他失望的表情而转身离去。  刹那间,我想起口袋里的那一美元,犹豫了片刻,我终于下定了决心。我走到了车前,把钱递给了他。他的两眼顿时亮了起来。“有人在上面写满了字 。”他说。他没有留意那全是亲笔签名。  那一天,我尽量不去想这珍贵的一美元。然而时来运转,就在当天早晨, 一家电台通知我去录节目,薪金 500 美元。从那以后,我一炮打响,成为正式节目主持人,再不用为吃穿用而发愁。  我再没有见过那辆汽车和那名男子。有时候,我在想他到底是乞丐,还是上天派来的使者。但有一点是清楚的,这是我人生碰到的一次至关重要的考试--我通过了。  1、“我向他解释了我的困境”中“困境”具体指① ;② ;③ 。  2、在文中找出能表现“我”珍爱这“最后一美元”的语句(两处),用波浪线在原文中中标出。  3、文章具体描写了“我”的“困境”和“我”对“最后一美元”的珍爱 , 这对表现文章的中心有何作用?  4、“这是我人生碰到的一次至关重要的考试”中“考试”的含义是 。






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