
2018-08-07 百科 阅读:


How much of each year do spiders spend killing insects?
Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the human race. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders. Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do the harm to us or our belongings.
Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. One can tell the difference almost at a glance, for a spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six.
How many spiders are engaged in this work on our behalf? One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2,250,000 in one acre; that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football pitch. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects. It is impossible to make more than the wildest guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creatures, not content with only three meals a day. It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country.
【New words and expressions 生词和短语】
insect n. 昆虫devour v. 吞食flock n. 羊群herd n. 牧群beast n. 野兽fraction n. 小部分census n. 统计数字acre n. 英亩content adj. 满足的
1. you may wonder 是这个疑问句的插入语。常见的插入语还有:as you know, to be frank, in fact, generally speaking等等。


适合8岁-14岁青少年以及英语初学者,具体参照如下表:量适用年级英语水平参照 级别 词汇量 适用年级 英语水平参照 第1级(1A、1B) 约600个生词和50个短语 小学3、4年级学生 相当于国家英语课程标准1级要求 第2级(2A、2B) 新增700个生词和60个短语 小学5、6年级学生 相当于国家英语课程标准2级要求 第3级(3A、3B) 新增750个生词和60个短语 初中1、2年级学生 相当于国家英语课程标准5级要求


dad[dæd] 爸爸(儿语)key [kiː] 钥匙baby ["beɪbɪ] 婴儿【派生词】babyhood婴儿时期 babysitter保姆【单词扩充】nestling婴孩 neonate初生婴儿 nursling婴儿【单词例句】A:The baby is crying.A:那个婴儿哭了。B:Maybe he is hungry.B:也许他是饿了。
hear [hɪə] 听见【派生词】hearing听力【单词扩充】sound听起来【单词搭配】hear of听说 hear from收到某人的来信【单词例句】A:I can"t hear anything.A:我什么也听不到。B: Me too. It is so noisy here.B:我也足,这儿太吵了。
enjoy [ɪn"dʒɒɪ; en-] 玩得开心【单词构造】en(表示“使、让”的前缀)+ joy(欢乐)=enjoy(玩得开心)【派生词】enjoyment享受【单词扩充】relish享受【单词搭配】enjoy oneself玩得开心 enjoy the food享用食物【单词例句】A: How is the party last night?A:昨晚的聚会怎么样?B: We didn’t enjoy ourselves at all.B:我们玩得一点儿都不痛快。
yourself [jɔː"self; jʊə-; jə-] pron.你自己【单词例句】A: It"s a photograph that I took on my vacation last year.A:那是我去年度假时拍的照片。B:You took it yourself?B:你自己拍的吗?
ourselves [aʊə"selvz] pron.我们自己






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