
2018-08-07 百科 阅读:


Todd: Ah, so Alan, you know, you were a baker so can you explain to the listeners: how do you bake bread?
Alan: Well, you need, to make your basic white bread, white pan bread we call it, you need flour, yeast, sugar, shortening, salt, and water, so depending on how much you want to make, you, first of all, you throw in the flour into a big mixing bowl. Then you throw in the sugar, salt, and the shortening. You give it a mix. Turn on the machine and mix it a little bit because you don"t want to have the yeast in direct contact the salt, because salt if it"s in direct contact with the yeast, it kills, the yeast will not react and make the bread rise.
Todd: Oh.
Alan: Then you take the yeast. Whatever amount of yeast you have, and the best way to do it, is you take your water, the amount of water that you need and you break up the yeast into the water, dissolve it in the water, and then start the mixer and as the flour and all the other ingredients are mixing, you pour the water in slowly until you get the consistency that you want. That"s one way or you can, after you mixed up the flour, the sugar and the salt and the shortening, a little bit, enough that it"s mixed, blended together, you can just add the yeast into the mixture and then add the water, so you mix it until you, probably about, I think about eight minutes, or nine minutes, unitl the dough is developed, and it"s a glob and you stop the mixer, you pull it off the bowl, you let it sit on the bench for about five minutes. You let it rise. Then you divide it up, into I think about maybe two kilos, it depends on how big you want you loaf. Usually loaves are between seven and eight hundred grams, maybe one kilo. Divide it up and mold it and put it into the pan. It goes in


面包 Bread
Todd: Marika, do you like bread?Marika: Yes, I do.
Todd: OK. What kind of bread do you eat?
Marika: I try to eat whole grain bread or bagels or something that"s dark.
Todd: OK. What do you like to put on bread?
Marika: My favorite thing to put on bread is tomatoes and I also like honey.
Todd: OK. But not together?
Marika: Not together, no.
Todd: Do you like mustard?
Marika: No, I don"t like mustard.
Todd: Oh, I love mustard. I eat mustard and bread just plain.
Marika: No, no. I know people that eat mustard sandwiches, and no!
Todd: OK. Can you make bread?
Marika: Yes, I can. Actually, I"m a baker.
Todd: Really.
Marika: Yeah!
Todd: Wow!
Marika: I"m a pastry chef.
Todd: That"s incredible.
Marika: Although, bread is kind of a different branch. I do cakes and stuff like that. I can make bread. My grandmother makes bread all the time.


Todd: Marika, do you like bread?
Todd: Marika,你喜欢面包吗?
Marika: Yes, I do.
Todd: OK. What kind of bread do you eat?
Todd: 好的。那你一般吃什么类型的面包呢?
Marika: I try to eat whole grain bread or bagels or something that"s dark.
Todd: OK. What do you like to put on bread?
Todd: 好的。你吃面包的时候喜欢把什么放在上面呢?
Marika: My favorite thing to put on bread is tomatoes and I also like honey.
Todd: OK. But not together?
Todd: 好的。但是并不是一起放?
Marika: Not together, no.
Todd: Do you like mustard?
Todd: 你喜欢芥末吗?
Marika: No, I don"t like mustard.
Todd: Oh, I love mustard. I eat mustard and bread just plain.
Todd: 哦,我喜欢芥末。我喜欢白面包抹上芥末吃。
Marika: No, no. I know people that eat mustard sandwiches, and no!
Todd: OK. Can you make bread?
Todd: 好的。那你能做蛋糕吗?
Marika: Yes, I can. Actually, I"m a baker.
Todd: Really.
Todd: 是吗!
Marika: Yeah!
Todd: Wow!
Todd: 哇!
Marika: I"m a pastry chef.
Todd: That"s incredible.
Todd: 简直不敢相信!
Marika: Although, bread is kind of a different branch. I do cakes and stuff like that. I can make bread. My grandmother makes bread all the time.






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