
2018-07-30 电脑网络 阅读:


★英语口语频道为网友整理的《英语习惯用语:表达时间》,供大家参考学习。英语习惯用语:表达时间“时间”是生命中很受重视的东西;人人都爱惜时间,因此人人要把涉及“时间”的惯用语记起来,用出去。  (1)In time for……及时到……/做……“If you go now, you will be in timefor the meeting.  (2)On time:准时的“Don"t go to the examination late. Make sure you areon time.”  (3)Pressed for time:时间不足“I must hurry up, I am pressed for time atthe moment.”(4)Buy time:争取时间“There are ten seconds left, but Jordan carriedthe ball steadily to buy time instead of passing it out.”  (5)For the time being:暂时地“The company has just been formed. For thetime being, it is run by the company partners.”英语习惯用语:表达时间(6)From time to time:偶尔“They visited us from time to time, but wehave never been to their house.”  (7)In the nick of time:及时“All the passengers got on board in thenick of time.”  (8)In no time:很快地“The police caught a thief and sent him to prisonin no time.  (9)Kill time:消磨时间“While waiting for my turn to do something, Ioften read something to kill time.”  (10)Time and again:屡次“Motorists were warned time and again not tothrow rubbish from their cars.”  (11)Time alone will tell:时间可以证明一切“No one is certain if it iswise to emigrate to the West; time alone will tell.”(12)Time"s up:时间到了“Time"s up. Stop writing and hand in your answerbooks now.”  (13)At the best of times:当情况最佳时“Samuel"s Mandarin is not good atthe best of times, not to mention when he has to speak if impromptu.”  英语习惯用语:表达时间(14)At times:有时“life as a spinster or bachelor is care-free, but theproblem is that he or she may feel lonely at times.”  (15)Behind the times:过时的“Maggie"s dressing style is a bit behindthe times. She should try to keep up with the times by wearing fashionabledresses.”  (16)Move / keep up with the times:赶上时代“Some people"s mode ofthinking is outdated.They should try to move with the times so as to betterfit in the present society.”  (17)The time is ripe fo


在这一课里, 我们学习几个跟时间有关系的常用语,比方 "准时"on time,"及时" in time, "总是" all the time, "有时候" from time to time, 等等. 另外我们要谈美国人的时间观念, 顺便谈一谈在这套教材里出现过的人物.
首先我们依照惯例听一段对话, 内容是说珍妮早晨起来去跑步, 作运动, 回家路上遇到鲍勃, 两个人谈话的经过. 请你注意听英文老师的发音和语调.
M: Jenny, I haven"t seen you for a long time. How have you been?F: I"ve been busy, Bob. How are you?M: I"m fine. You have been running, haven"t you? Where do you find the time?F: It does take a lot of time, but I really enjoy it. Why don"t you try it?M: Well, I think about it from time to time, but it seems like I never have enough time.F: Speaking of not having enough time, I really need to get home and take a shower. I have a class in an hour. I want to be on time for it.M: Okay, I"ll talk to you some other time.
M: Jenny, I haven"t seen you for a long time. How have you been?F: I"ve been busy, Bob. How are you?M: I"m fine. You have been running, haven"t you? Where do you find the time?F: It does take a lot of time, but I really enjoy it. Why don"t you try it?M: Well, I think about it from time to time, but it seems like I never have enough time.F: Speaking of not having enough time, I really need to get home and take a shower. I have a class in an hour. I want to be on time for it.M: Okay, I"ll talk to you some other time.
刚才那段对话里包含了许多跟时间有关系的俗语. 现在我把这些有俗语的句子挑出来, 请老师再念一遍给你听.
M: I haven"t seen you for a long time.M: Where do you find the time?F: It does take a lot of time.M: I think about it from time to time.F: I want to be on time for it.M: I"ll talk to you some other time.
现在我们挑出几个表明时间的常用语分别作练习. 首先我们练习 "准时" 或是"守时" on time, o-n t-i-m-e, on time 的用法. 下面男老师用这个词组作一些句子说明珍妮很守时, 比方 "珍妮无论作什么事总是想着要准时." Jenny is preoccupied with being on time. "她总是准时赴约会." She is always on time f


这篇关于牛津少儿英语日常用语:午睡时间,是特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!午睡时间1. Nap time 午睡时间2. Put the shoes neatly, please. 请把鞋子摆好3. Please lie down correctly 请躺好4. Take off your clothes,.脱掉你的衣服5. Button the buttons 扣扣子6. Please change clothes.请换衣服。7. Please fold your cloth and put it in your bag.请把脏衣服折好,并放进袋子里。8. Put on your close please!请穿上你的衣服9. Please go to the toilet before sleeping. 睡觉前请先上厕所。10. Please close your eyes and sleep. 请闭上你的眼睛,安静睡觉。11. No talking when you are sleeping.睡觉的时候不要说话。12. Please walk gently.请你轻轻走路。13. Please get up.请起床。14. Please put on cloth by yourself.请自己穿衣服。15. Please fold your quilt.请把你的被子折好。16. Please wash your face. 请洗脸。17. Nap time 午睡时间






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