
2018-07-26 百科 阅读:


Now I"d like to open it up for questions. 现在我可以回答你们的提问.
I"d be very interested to hear your comments. 我非常乐意听听你们的看法.
I have one question I would like to ask. 我有个问题想问一下.
Good question. 问题提得不错.
Does that answer your question? 这样回答你的问题可以吗?
We have about twenty minutes for questions and discussion. 我们有20分钟的提问和讨论时间.
Would you care to comment on the cultural impact of Multinational companies on local economies? 你能不能评论一下跨国公司对当地经济的文化影响?
Can you talk a little about what plans we have for the future? 你能加一下我们将来有什么计划吗?
You said our sales in Asia overall have been very low in general .... I"m wondering what the situation is like in Japan? 你说到我们在整个亚洲的销售额总体上来看一直很低...我想知道日本的情况如何?
I"m afraid that"s outside the scope of my talk, I can talk to you more individually afterwards if you are interested in this area...恐怕这不在我的讲话范围内,如果你对这里领域感兴趣的话,以后我可以单独跟你细谈...
I don"t think I"m the right person to answer this question, perhaps our General Manager, Mr. Thomas, can help to answer....我认为我不适合回答这个问题,也许我们的总经理托马斯先生能帮助回答这个问题......
A: So that"s the end of what I had prepared to share with you today. Now I"d like to open it up for questions. We have about twenty minutes for questions and discussion. I"d be very interested to hear your comments....Yes?
B: Yes, thank you for your excellent presentation. I have one question I would like to ask. You said our sales in Asia overall have been very low in general .... I"m wondering what the situation is like in Japan?
A: Good question. As I mentioned, Asia in general is a slow starter, this also includes the Japanese market. There is no notable difference between Japan and other Asian countries. Does that answer your question?
B: Yes, thank you. Another question... Would you care to comment on the cultural impact of Multinational companies on local economies?
A: I"m afraid that"s o


The age of the product was a contributory factor in the accident.
We can anticipate the following consequences:…
Let us focus our attention on…
Here, I am just showing you a few examples of …
Allow us, then, at this point to present some slides.
My paper is a literature review.
My I ask a question? This is an extremely difficult question to answer


Keep the front gate open and block the side doors.开正门,堵偏门。Fight every corrupt phenomenon, punish every corrupt official.有贪必反,有腐必惩。When confronted with mounting difficulties, one needs guts; and to tackle a difficult situation, one needs to have wisdom.遇万难需放胆,破困局要智慧。The thing we need to fear is not the difficulty, but the lack of preparedness.凡事不患有难,患不备。Streamlining administration and delegating power.简政放权。We need to ensure that market entities can do anything which are not prohibited by the law, and government departments must not do anything unless it is mandated by the law.让市场主体“法无禁止即可为”,让政府部门“法无授权不可为”。How can an arrow shot be turned back? We are most determined to see this reform through.开了弓哪还有回头箭?我们只能是一抓到底、一往无前。The principle of equality will be observed in both power delegation and tightened oversight.放管结合都是体现公平原则。The wise people will seek common interests, while the unwise ones will focus on their differences.智者求同,愚者求异。Focus more on common ground in pursuit of long-term benefits.择宽处行,谋长久之利。One needs to be persistent in one’s pursuit of the objective.吾道一以贯之。In order to bring greater benefits to our people, we will carry our reform through without hesitation.让广大人民受惠,我们义无反顾。This is indeed deeply distressing for the government.政府心头之痛。Even a small action is a lot more important than a thousand words.干一寸胜过说一尺。We are going to declare a war against our own inefficient and unsustainable model of growth and way of life.向我们自身粗放的生产和生活方式宣战。We need to meet people’s basic living needs, we need to provide last resort for people to fall back on in case of special difficulty, and we need to promote social fairness.保基本、兜底线、促公平。All government






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