
2018-07-09 百科 阅读:


★英语口语频道为网友整理的《和人身体有关的英语口语》,供大家参考学习。Last year my English class was full of characters. That"s a polite way of saying it had some unusual people that I"ll never forget. One student was such a hard worker that he learned all the idioms in our book by heart. He was always saying things like "I"m on cloud nine", or "I"m green with envy". We never knew if he meant what he said or if he was just practicing English. Another student had a sweet tooth. She would bake lots of bread and cakes and bring them to every class for us to share during breaks. Two students met in the class and fell head over heels in love. We were all invited to their wedding and had a great time. Then there was a student who was always pulling someone"s leg. For example, one day before class, he put a long homework assignment on the board and made us think that the teacher had given it. We all had long faces until the teacher came in. Then we realized that someone had played a joke on us.
by heart I know all my friends" telephone numbers by heart. I never have to look in the telephone book.含义是是熟记,背诵
have a sweet tooth I know you have a sweet tooth, so I bought you a box of chocolates.含义是爱吃甜食
head over heels in love Pam and Tony are head over heels in love. They"re planning to get married.含义是深爱着某人
pull someone"s leg Tomorrow is not a holiday. Don"t believe Rich. He"s just pulling your leg.在口语中,含义是愚弄某人,开某人的玩笑
a long face Because Judy didn"t get an invitation to the party, she"s walked around with a long face since yesterday.这可不是说人脸拉的跟长白山似的,这个短语的意思是郁闷(忧虑)的表情,愁眉苦脸


body ["bɔdi] 身体
  hair [hɛə] 头发
  head [hed] 头
  eye [ai] 眼睛
  face [feis] 脸
  neck [nek] 脖子
  arm [a:m] 手臂
  leg [leg] 腿
  hand [hænd] 手
  foot [fut] 脚
  toe [təu] 脚趾
  finger ["fiŋgə] 手指
  ear [iə] 耳朵
  nose [nəuz] 鼻子
  mouth [mauθ] 嘴巴
  tooth [tu:θ] 牙齿
  shoulder ["ʃəuldə] 肩膀
  knee [ni:] 膝盖


  head   头
  throat   喉咙,咽喉
  armpit hair   腋毛
  nipple   乳头
  chest   胸部
  pit   胸口
  navel   肚脐
  abdomen   腹部
  private parts   阴部
  thigh   大腿
  neck   脖子
  shoulder   肩
  back   背
  waist   腰
  hip   臀部
  buttock   屁股
  skull   颅骨,头盖骨
  collarbone   锁骨
  rib   肋骨
  backbone   脊骨,脊柱
  shoulder joint   肩关节
  shoulder blade   肩胛骨

breastbone   胸骨
  elbow joint   肘关节
  pelvis   骨盆
  kneecap   膝盖骨
  bone   骨
  skeleton   骨骼
  sinew   腱
  muscle   肌肉
  joint   关节
  blood vessel   血管
  vein   静脉
  artery   动脉
  capillary   毛细血管
  nerve   神经
  spinal marrow   脊髓
  brain   脑
  respiration   呼吸
  windpipe   气管
  lung   肺
  heart   心脏
  diaphragm   隔膜
  exhale   呼出
  inhale   呼入
  internal organs   内脏
  gullet   食管
  stomach   胃
  liver   肝脏
  gall bladder   胆囊
  pancreas   胰腺
 spleen   脾
  duodenum   12指肠
  small intestine   小肠
  large intestine   大肠
  blind gut   盲肠
  vermiform appendix   阑尾
  rectum   直肠
  anus   肛门
  bite   咬
  chew   咀嚼
  knead   揉捏
  swallow   咽下
  digest   消化
  absord   吸收
  discharge   排泄
  excrement   粪便
  kidney   肾脏
  bladder   膀胱
  urine   尿道






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