
2018-12-04 创业资讯 阅读:



Studying Abroad(出国留学)
Every year,thousands of students travel to foreign countries to study.More than 30% of these students go to American. Around 15% go to France,and 10% to both England and Germany. A little less than 10% go to Australia,and about 5% go to Canada.
Wherever a student wants to study,there are some things universities around the world require(要求) . First , all students must graduate from a high school before they can apply for (申请) a university. Most universities also require some kind of test for students to enter the unversity. Students who do not come from English-speaking countries also must take a test such as the TOFEL(托福考试) in America and Canada to show they know enough English to study in English.England and Australia require students to take the IELTS(雅思考试) .
1.Which is the most popular country for studying abroad.
A.England B.Canada C.The United States D.Australia
2.Students apply for a university must graduate from a ____________.
A.school B.primary school C.high school D.university
3.Students who aren"t from English-speaking countries______to apply for universities in England.
A.must take the TOFEL B.needn"t take any test
C.must take the oral (口试) D.must take the IELTS
4.This passage is about ___________________.
A.Why students study abroad B.what is required to study abroad
C.the country for studying abroad D.Studying abroad is good.
5.Do you want to study abroad Why

Yes,of course.I can learn a lot about another culture.


书面表达 (本题15分)
近年来中国中学生中出现了“出国留学热”,成千上万的中学生已经去国外学习,而另外的一些学生也一直在设法出国,对此人们有不同的看法。请根据下面表格的提示,以Studying Abroad为题写一篇短文。
Studying Abroad
In recent years, studying abroad has been popular with Chinese high school students. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Studying Abroad
In recent years, studying abroad has been popular with Chinese high school students. Thousands of them have gone to foreign countries to study. Many more are trying their best to go abroad.
There are many advantages in studying abroad. First, students who study abroad can make friends with people of different cultures. Second, they can improve their foreign languages more quickly.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages. Most of the students are too young to live by themselves without any living experience. And the high cost is also a problem for common families.



近年来, 中国的中学生中出现了“出国留学热”,出国留学也变得越来越低龄化,请你以Studying Abroad为题写一篇短文,词数80。内容包括:
Studying Abroad
In recent years, studying abroad has been popular with Chinese high school students, even with junior middle school students.

In recent years, studying abroad has been popular with Chinese high school students,even with junior middle school students.As for this, people have different opinions.

There are many advantages. First, they can make friends with people of different cultures. Second, they can improve their foreign languages more quickly. Third, they can learn much more knowledge from foreign countries.

On the other hand, disadvantages arise. Some students are too young to live by themselves without any living experience. Moreover, being far away from their motherland, they may feel lonely and homesick. And further, the high cost is also a problem for ordinary families.

In my opinion, it is advisable to take so many things into consideration .They can ask teachers or students who have studied abroad for advice and they should try to get everything ready before going abroad.





材料一  改革开放以来,随着中国的经济发展,我国内地在大学生出国留学热度不减的同时,又兴起了中小学生出国留学热,留学生队伍越来越低龄化。
材料二 留学呈现低龄化趋势,这一现象给我们真正重要的思考,是如何加快教育改革。在我国,无论是高等教育还是基础教育都存在一些问题,其中最主要的是考试制度和教育质量问题。出国留学热也是对现行教育制度的挑战,在倒逼国内教育的改革。










Overseas education consulting companies(海外教育咨询)are always busy during the summer. That’s because many students are not interested in the majors in their college entrance exams. They want to experience studying and living abroad.
Li Qing, a Chinese student, said, “In order to enter a better university, I have decided to go abroad. I think it will give me a better development.”
According to the companies’data, the number of the students who want to study abroad has increased by 40% in the last few years.
Most of the students who want to go abroad are high school graduates. More and more parents now realize the advantages of sending their children to study abroad. It’s becoming a popular choice of many welloff(富裕的)families.
Many students apply(申请)for world-famous universities. 40% has applied for the top 50 universities in the US; 70% applied for the top 30 in Britain, and 50% applied for the top 8 in Australia.
Countries like Britain, Australia, Japan, Russia, Germany and France are still favorite for the students. Schools and colleges in nearby Malaysia and Singapore are also popular.
Information card
Why do the high school students want to study abroad?
They don’t like their 小题1:    in the college entrance exams.
How do the students think of studying abroad?
They may have 小题2:  by studying abroad.
Which universities do they like?
They mostly apply for 小题3:    universities.
What about the number of the students who want to go abroad?
It has increased by 小题4:    .
Which country is the most popular with the students who want to study abroad?
小题5:    .


小题2:a better development






英语口语话题问题回答 跪求大神啊 急!
如果有机会,你会出国留学?你会选择去哪个国家?为什么呢? 求这个问题英文回答,单词数不超过70.跪求啊

If I have a chance to study abroad, I will go to British. British"s academic level is one of the bests around the world. Universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. I am also interested in their culture. I wants to know more about their lives. There are also other aspects of British which attracts me. For example, 221B Baker Street is the place I will absolutely go if I am going to British. As Sherlock Holmes is my favourite character.


我负责的主题是 毕业后选择出国留学

Topic: Something about going abroad (Translation practice)
Perhaps,going abroad is somebody"s dream which was experienced in the childhood.But actually,it is a big issue for both of the family and the individual as well.The family has to prepare a big cost and the individual has to have a big change in his way of thinking,even in the style of living.
Reasons: (1)出国留学可以帮助青年人拓宽视野,深化专业.
Going abroad can help the young enlarge their horizen abd deepen the major knowledge
Going abroad can promote the self-controling power and the self management ability.
Going abroad can help the young learn the foreign culture and make different friends.
Going abroad can help the young promote and perfect their language level.
Suggestins: (1) Not too young to go abroad,or that will cause many troubles.
(2) Have a good command of English while do well in the other subjects.


B.参加国庆献礼的优秀影片:《风暴》《青春之歌》《林则徐》等,也将在各大城市放映。 C.人们也记得,米丘林进行植物杂交实验,被神甫攻击为“竟敢把上帝的果园变成妓院。” D.这是老先生最得意的作品,是老先生十多年的汗水--不,是他比重的心血!





推荐访问:出国留学网官网 金吉列出国留学官网



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