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《哈尔的移动城堡》观后感 作文




宫崎骏《哈尔的移动城堡》 这部动画片想表达的是什么内涵

《哈尔的移动城堡》延续了宫崎骏以往的风格,将动画上升到人文高度,神奇想象变成美丽的画面,片中超人的想象力给观众带来又一次幻想的盛宴.影片以童趣的形式,寄托着人类的梦想和怀旧的情怀.在宫崎骏的电影世界中,尽管时空背景不同,但不变的是勇敢的女孩、广阔的天空、以及画龙点睛的配角,来诠释“人该活在和平与爱之中”及“反战”的故事主题,藉影片来传达这个世界是非常的美好,值得生存并探索下去的……   对于人性,宫崎骏同样用种种暗喻表达自己的理魔术师为了获得神奇法力,代价将是放弃自己的人心,这就象大多数生活中拥有权力的现实人物一样,在拥有神奇力量的时候,往往很难再以一颗正常人的心态却做善恶判断.这就是权力的代价.



《哈尔的移动城堡》Hauru no ugoku shiro
《龙猫》Tonari no Totoro
《天空之城》Tenk no shiro Rapyuta
《小魔女宅急便》Kiki"s Delivery Service


风之谷,红猪,哈尔的移动城堡还算可以 其他太少了

风之谷:Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Kaze no Tani no Naushika,1984),was an adventure film that introduced many of the themes which recur in later films:a concern with ecology and the human impact on the environment; a fascination with aircraft and flight; pacifism,including an anti-military streak; feminism; and morally ambiguous characterizations,especially among villains.This was the first film both written and directed by Miyazaki.He adapted it from his manga series of the same title,which he began writing and illustrating two years earlier,but which remained incomplete until after the film"s release.
Following the success of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind,Miyazaki co-founded the animation production company Studio Ghibli with Takahata in 1985,and has produced nearly all of his subsequent work through it.
Miyazaki continued to gain recognition with his next three films.Laputa:Castle in the Sky (1986) recounts the adventure of two orphans seeking a magical castle-island that floats in the sky; My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro,1988) tells of the adventure of two girls and their interaction with forest spirits; and Kiki"s Delivery Service (1989),adapted from a novel by Eiko Kadono,tells the story of a small-town girl who leaves home to begin life as a witch in a big city.Miyazaki"s fascination with flight is evident throughout these films,ranging from the ornithopters flown by pirates in Castle in the Sky,to the Totoro and the Cat Bus soaring through the air,and Kiki flying her broom.
红猪:Porco Rosso (1992) was a notable departure for Miyazaki,in that the main character was an adult male,an anti-fascist aviator transformed into an anthropomorphic pig.The film is set in 1920s Italy and the title character is a bounty hunter who fights air pirates and an American soldier of fortune.The film explores the tension between selfishness and duty.The film can also be viewed as an abstract self-portrait of the director; its subtext can be read as a fictionalized autobiography.[citation needed] Like many of his movies,it is richly allusive and generates a lot of its humour and charm out of its references to American film of the 1930s and 1940s.Porco Rosso,for instance,owes much to the various screen personae of Humphrey Bogart.
哈尔的移动城堡:In July 2004,Miyazaki completed production on Howl"s Moving Castle,a film adaptation of Diana Wynne Jones" fantasy novel.Miyazaki came out of retirement following the sudden departure of original director Mamoru Hosoda[5].The film premiered at the 2004 Venice International Film Festival and won the Golden Osella award for animation technology.On November 20,2004,Howl"s Moving Castle opened to general audiences in Japan where it earned ¥1.4 billion in its first two days.The English language version was later released in the US by Walt Disney.





以前上课时 从来没有听过一节英语课 、
因为完全没有兴趣 .
但是最近 迷上了外国的文学 .
比如小王子 ,牧羊王子奇遇记 ,公主向前走 ,等等,
所以想 认真学习一下英文,但是无奈 英文实在太差 (完全不懂的境界)
如果光看背单词 光看口语书 之类的,肯定还是不会有兴趣.
所以我决定找几本适合没有英文基础的人看的小说书 ,
(不懂的可以查字典 .或者问朋友 老师)(因为我对小说比较感兴趣 特别是外国文学)所以想说看这样能不能培养出兴趣来 .
先自学一两本书 培养兴趣 ,
(比较短篇一点 不要太长篇)
然后再从口语,语法,背单词上面开始学习 、
有没有人知道啊 ,,如果好会追加分的、
最好是比较短篇一点的 、 比如像小王子这种 .

追风筝的人 比较短 而且确实很感人,里面的单词除了地名都不会太难懂,是一部不错的小说,哈利波特其实也很好,不过太长了.爱丽思漫游奇境记Howl"s moving castle(哈尔的移动城堡),也很好,不过你觉得幼稚的话就算了.



1.《鼹鼠和小鸟》 2.挺简单,也挺有趣.3.Howl"s moving castle~就是哈尔的移动城堡,也是英国人写的童话,论幽默或悬念,和harry potter不相上下呢,而且环境描写还比harry potter简单~还有the heart is a lonely hunter,句子结构简单,流畅优美~4.还是中英文对照 5.《Daddy-Long-Legs》充满惊喜、温馨与爱的青春读本.6.美国的畅销小说译林杂志去年12月号有翻译作为首发长篇,小说很浅显,关键是情节很引人入胜,相比一些古典很容易看进去 6.《丁丁历险记》 7.《哈利波特1~6套装》CD转192kMP3未删节版英语有声读物[MP3],very cd上有下的.8.The nanny diaries:简单有趣,推荐给女孩子;Exes Anonymous:推荐给失恋的人 应该差不多了吧



Hayao Miyazaki, I should not do too much introduction. Dreamy story, beautifully ornate picture, which means a far-reaching Meaning, these are Hayao Miyazaki works irresistible charm. His works are always people impetuous heart becomes calm, so busy rushing us to find a spiritual home. Hayao Miyazaki from the theme of the anti-war, environmental protection, innocence subtle description to explore the depths of the soul, the pursuit of true love, manners, philosophy, takes us into the world of the dream of each one of us. Hayao Miyazaki"s film ages, different people have different experience. Good movie formulas and theorems, only the story, characters, there is a deep impression on emotional.
Hayao Miyazaki did not Disney so fancy, he insisted on hand-drawn rather than computer graphics, to complete their own cartoons. But he knows a cartoon or movie, what will impress the audience, this is the humanities. Hayao Miyazaki "s image is a personal, rather than a perception cartoon.
The movie "Nausicaa" is a work full of war, the reflection of human civilization. About a millennium after the damage of human civilization in the body of the princess Nausicaa in Nausicaa the hardships of war, a red-haired Nausicaa Princess to Yufeng flight to meet all the passion for the freedom of flying imagination.
"Sky City", the story centers around the mainland and the sky to start a very fascinating adventure color of the Age of Discovery. Hayao Miyazaki this time, the tentacles of thought toward the Western world to find the story of the adventures of a young boy from the traditional concept of the Westerners, derivative of a contemporary fable about Habitat for Humanity and the eternal dream. "Castle in the Sky" Music is a peak of all the works of Hayao Miyazaki music touches the soul.
The movie "Totoro" is full of fairy color and warmth of affection, melodious music, clean the screen, the interest of juvenile characters audience success Strip into a fantastic fairy tale world, back to the age of pure innocence. The film"s story did not say a big event, just the story of two sisters in a wonderful summer, meet with the elves of the forest of mutual interest. The story and the screen is full of love and affection people feel very warm, lovely, medium and small number Totoro continue to give the audience a very subtle sense of happiness, always keep smiling, people think of cute, kind.
The background of the movie "Princess Mononoke" is a medieval Japanese Muromachi period, describes the struggle between the people, gods, demons, three battle of the performance of a human and animal nature. Through the usual green coat, to see is a compassionate feelings. Hayao Miyazaki movies, the protagonist is always from an objective perspective on the many individuals around. Role in the film using an idealized way, in order to achieve a peaceful purposes. Conflict of interest with their rulers, cruel enemies, or the difficult coexistence of species, the treasure of life, at all the protection of others is a valuable theme in many years. They are always able to put aside personal animosity, and with a spirit of nature, and carries all the beautiful symbiosis desire. This is beyond the ordinary, making the protagonist in the Hayao Miyazaki works have become the ideal figure.
"Spirited Away" is dedicated to the once over 10 years old and about to enter a film of the 10-year-old audience, which in modern Japanese society as a stage, about a 10-year-old little girl Chihiro in order to save his parents, the godsfriendship, growth, and spiritual adventure in the world, and finally back to the story of the human world.
Let us back from "Howl"s Moving Castle" can be very objective recognition: Hayao Miyazaki is the mainstay of the Japanese animation industry, one of the finest eclectic. Hayao Miyazaki Perhaps eating a loss of eclecticism, that he can not become a hard, but Hayao Miyazaki accounted for more eclecticism cheap, he became a harvest. He grasped the perfect balance of reality and imagination, to let people know he imagine the world a better, all such hype. Look at his work, like narrow human brain, opening a vast skylight, people can not help believe that the power of a dream, because the existence of the dream is the reason in order to man and God par.From the beginning to now all works, Hayao Miyazaki idea is the development of a consistent and argue card, his world view, history, outlook on life and art concept has a clear context, and ultimately in order to build the perfect world of Hayao Miyazakiwork!



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