
2018-07-31 故事 阅读:


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小孩英语翻译篇(2):儿童英语短文带翻译-The Silent Book

少儿英语网权威发布儿童英语短文带翻译-The Silent Book,更多儿童英语短文带翻译-The Silent Book相关信息请访问少儿英语网。
A long time ago, there was a farmhouse. A casket was under the tree in the garden. Since no one lived in the house, nobody felt sad.There was a thick book as well as a dead body inside of the casket. Many kinds of flowers and plants were put in the book. One day, a young traveler heard about the dead man"s story from an old farmer. "He was a student from Sweden.""He could speak foreign languages and write poems. He was smart, but suddenly, he lost his talent. That"s why he came to this ranch. He sat down and thought about something everyday. Sometimes he read, and cried. Before he died, he asked me a favor.""What did he ask you?" "To put a book in his casket. That poor boy has a sweet sleep forever in the casket now."The young traveler saw the dead student"s face. "He looks so peaceful. Maybe he is happy now." "I don"t know why his old pen pals don"t come over here to see him." "Maybe they are all just busy.""He used to think for a long time reading the old letters. His friends are all gone, and he is alone now. What a pity!""Anyway, what are those leaves in the book?" "I have no idea." The leaves were still in the book, but the friendship was gone."There are white flowers." "The dead student pulled the flowers up for himself. His tears are still in the flower." "There are nettles, trumpet honeysuckle and even lilies! Wow, those are a lot of flowers!""Every single flower has the student"s memory. But now, it is just a memory of the past." Soon, a woodworker came to cover the casket. Dead men always keep silent leaving their secrets behind them.


A lonely life is the saddest kind. Life is not meant to be spent behind closed doors or on an island trapped by a boundless ocean.孤独的生活最让人感觉到悲哀。生活不是意味着在紧闭的房门后或者在一座被无边的海洋包围的孤岛上度过。The beauty of life can only be experienced in the wonderful harmony of various relationships —between yourself and your family, your friends, your neighbors, even a stranger. Life is meant to be shared. People who feel their lives are incomplete need to find someone to complete it. The poor need help, it’s true, but the lonely need it even more.生活之美只有在各种各样和谐而又美好的关系中才能被体会到——这些关系可以是你和家人之间、朋友之间、邻居甚至是陌生人之间的关系。生活意味着和他人分享。那些感觉生活不完整的人需要找个人来完善生活。穷人需要帮助,这是事实,但是孤独的人更加需要帮助。We all know how to meet the emotional needs of others: through sympathy, help, kindness and love. However, we tend to hold ourselves back because of our fear and mistrust. We tend to think that people who seem to need us are just pretending, or that they’re not really worthy of our help.我们都知道如何去满足别人的情感需求:通过同情心,助人之心,善心以及爱心。然而,我们会因为内心的恐惧或者不信任而退缩。我们往往会认为那些需要帮助的人是在假装,或者他们并不真的值得我们帮助。True, there are people who just want a free ride or a free lunch, and will take advantage of those who are warm-hearted. This should not hinder us. We need only think of the story of the good Samaritan, who gives new life to a total stranger through a selfless act of love. Don’t be afraid to help, and don’t be scared to approach someone who seems to need it. Reach out, open the door of life and let those who need help know that someone is there to lend a helping hand. Life really is meant to be shared.有一些人仅仅为了一次免费搭车或者一顿免费午餐而利用别人的善心,这是事实。但是这不应该阻止我们去帮助别人。我们只需要想想乐善好施的人的故事。他会用无私的充满爱的举动给一个陌生人全新的生命。不要害怕帮助他人,也不要害怕去接近似乎需要帮助的人。伸出手,打开生命之门,让那些需要帮助的人知道,有些人一直等在那里准备伸出援助之手。生活真的意味着和别人一起分享。






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