
2016-10-24 个性签名 阅读:



Check有很多名称,比如Check,Name Check,背景调查,procedure,行政审查(221(g) Additional Administrative Process)。但是这都不是他的官方名称,所以有人在被签证官Check之后,直接问签证官我是不是被Check了,签证官会回答No。在美国的官方文档里,这个称为Visas Mantis。可以参看

... 0Folder/C/China.htm中的简短说明: Visas Mantis is strongly recommended for applicants with a background or purpose of trip that is listed in the TAL. Please see 9 FAM Appendix G 502.1-7.1

其中TAL便是大家常说的敏感专业列表,Technology Alert List。





第二种情况:不太走运,你被送到了安全部门,就是他们说的被移交到了USCIS,或者DHS(以前的INS部门)。USCIS(U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services), DHS(U.S. Department of Homeland Security)。进行的内容,现在知道的有Name Check(背景调查)和Fingerprint Check(指纹比对)。实际上,背景调查每个被送到DOS的人人应该都做了。根据FBI(

Approximately 85% of name checks are electronically returned as having "No Record" within 72 hours.

A "No Record" indicates that the FBI's Central Records System contains no

identifiable information regarding this individual. By agreement with the Department of State, partially due to our concern about the time factors in approving most visa requests, a No Record equates to a No Objection to the

issuance of a visa.!


If the investigative division determines there is no objection to the visa request, the request is returned to the name check dissemination desk for forwarding to the Department of State. If there is an FBI objection to the visa request, the investigative division will prepare a written Security Advisory

Opinion (SAO) and forward it to the Department of State. In reviewing these visa requests, the FBI has identified individuals attempting to enter the United States who are of serious concern to the FBI.,

这样的过程,FBI最终会给出一个称之为SAO的意见给Department of State,这样的过程因为人工程序的加入,就变长了。


Ref A established a clearance procedure known at the time as Visas Eagle Mantis for applicants of any nationality, coming to the U.S. at the invitation of a USG entity to engage in activity involving any of the sensitive technologies on the Technology Alert List. Posts were able to issue visas in those cases after a 10-working day suspense period unless otherwise directed by the Department. That provision was terminated by Ref B, which requires posts to receive an affirmative response from the Department before a visa can be issued.


The FBI's goal is to have all Mantis and Condor vetting requests completed within 120 days.

Attachment A illustrates the current status of Visa Condor names checks, and Attachment B illustrates the same for Visa Mantis name checks. This status was taken on October 1, 2003. For example, for Visas Condor, the FBI received 7,986 requests during the month of September 2003. By October 1, 2003, the FBI had resolved all but 521 of these requests, for a 93% resolution rate. (See Attachment A) In the month of August 2003, the FBI received 7,381 Visas Condor requests and by October 1, 2003, had resolved all but 257 of these requests for a 97% resolution rate. For Visas Mantis,

the FBI received 1029 requests in the month of September 2003 and by October 1, 2003, had resolved 832, or 80% of them (See Attachment B). In the month of August 2003, the FBI received 1,122 Visa Mantis requests and by October 1, 2003, had resolved all but 116 of these requests for a 90% resolution rate. The percentageswww.fz173.com_如何查询美国签证状态。

continue to rise over time, 97% of Visas Condor and 95% of Visas Mantis were resolved within 90 days.

Visas Mantis are particularly difficult to resolve due to the predominance of requests from China and the commonality of Asian names.




Nevertheless, as I stated earlier, the FBI's resolves 98% of all types of visa requests within 120 days.



等待 < 20 天


我是北京的,北京的使馆FAX 86-10)6532-3178,态度真的很好

20 天 < 等待 < 60 天




电话接通以后,你就问could you tell me how my background check is going? 对方就问你的护照号,你告诉他以后,会问你的姓名核对一下,然后就告诉你是processing还是cleared

另外呢,The International Visitors Office(IVO),可能是美国的一个政府部门,有一个调查问卷。有点搞笑,美国自己也会对自己的部门有监督,确实法制和人性化一些吧。超过20天的被检查者,可以去参加这个调查。根据他们的网站上说,他们会根据自己的调查,定期向美国政府(Department of State)汇报所有超过20天的案例。不过不要太抱希望,他说的是美国政府(Department of State),可是进入了审查程序,Department of State无权向FBI要求加快进程,也就是说,IVO只能帮助你加快在Department of State的过程,而对FBI无能为力。

... o_US.html#P107_5588

For visas delayed longer than two months, applicants should contact the consulate where the application was submitted. In addition, it is advisable to contact the sponsor (F-1 and J-1 visa applicants) or the U.S. host or meeting organizer (B-1/B-2 visa applicants) for additional guidance.

While U.S. host and sponsor institutions cannot guarantee that a visa will be issued, they may be able to provide additional information that will help in the process. Furthermore, the International Visitors Office regularly reports to the Department of State all visa cases (submitted through the Visa Questionnaire) that have been pending for longer than 20 days.




Note on security reviews: If your application is pending a security review (ex. Visa Mantis), please only submit a questionnaire if you have been waiting for at least 20 days after the date of your interview.



... o_US.html#P107_5588%

If you or someone you know has experienced difficulties in applying for a visa, you can report your case to us by submitting a Visa Questionnaire. We will review your case and contact you if we are able to assist in any way.


60 天 < 等待 < 120 天

根据规定,超过60天后,你可以向你提交申请的领事馆发传真,他们会帮助你向FBI发出require reply的要求,







120 天 < 等待


唯一的希望,还可以向领事馆要求,过了120天,领事馆同样可以帮你再发一次require reply,也许有用


北京领事馆FAX (86-10)6532-3178

DOS询问状态电话 001-202-663-1225 工作时间 周一到五 8:30开始,和北京12个小时时差

DOS传真 001-202-663-3899

美国华盛顿签证处DOS电话:202-663-1225,传真:202-663-3899 Email:

FBI Name Check Unit Chief Unit Chief : Rene Morton

Tel : 1-202-324-14921

Fax : 1-202-324-98908




1、Image Scanning Completed On,时间一般为当日递交,当日查询;若是EMS邮寄则是:Address Label Printing Completed On。

2、Visa application, ref no BEIJ/日期月份年度/某种编码规则/1 has been

dispatched from UK visa centre to UK Embassy Beijing,时间一般为到签证中心递交后的当天或次日查询。意思是签证申请资料从签证中心送往大使馆途中。

3、Visa application, ref no.BEIJ/日期月份年度/某种编码规则/1 has been received by the UK Embassy for processing,这个状态时间很漫长,依照目前的签证受理的时间,为15个工作日,一般在10个工作日左右的时间,从第二个状态到出签前,一直都是这个状态“大使馆已收到,受理中”,希望同学们耐心等候。

4、invalid search,这个其实不算是个状态,因为你确定输入的都正确,第一次输入提示你这个invalid search,第二次你不信,再次输入,网页一直提示在刷新,仍然没有结果,恭喜你,这个时候,你可以拨打calling centre的电话:400-821-1182,确认查询,接线员会告诉你“你的签证已经从大使馆返回签证中心途中,请耐心等候,等你在网上查到ready for collection便可以到签证中心在工作时间领取了”。

5、Visa application ref no. BEIJ/日期月份年度/某种编码规则/1 is ready for collection at UK Visa Centre Beijing,这是最终状态,意思是你可以去签证中心领取了,但是否通过或者是拒签,一概不知,等你拿到黄色的袋子,翻开你的护照才知道。这个时候是最紧张哦!

6、Visa application ref no. BEIJ/日期月份年度/某种编码规则/1 collected from UK Visa Centre on 日期月份年度,这是第六个状态,其实好少有人关心这个状态,意思是你的签证已于某年某月某日已经取走。



相信办理过英国签证的同学一定听说过UKBA吧。特别是去年前往英国留学的同学,不论是递交英国签证申请表还是入境前的护照签证边检,都避不开UKBA。具体来说,UKBA指的是英国边境管理局,其成立于2009年4月,由边境和移民署、签证、海关税务等机构合并而成,主要目标是保护英国的边境和国家利益,防范和打击边境骗税、走私、移民犯罪活动。然而,成立不足年的UKBA于2013年3月26日被撤销。取而代之的是两个平行系统:负责英国移民法律实施的系统和负责英国签证的系统。但有趣的是,UKBA被撤销后,其网站并未被立即取缔,而是作为英国签证的官网被使用颇长的一段时间。但如今,官网也换上了新的名字—— UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration)。www.fz173.com_如何查询美国签证状态。



A decision has been made on your visa application and your documents are being returned to the visa application centre. You will be contacted again by VFS once these documents have either been couriered to you or are ready for collection.

Please do not attend the application centre until you have been contacted. This is an automated message - do not respond to this email address as incoming mail is not answered.

UKVI contact details can be found at

而如今从UKVI获得联系的途径有3种:邮件提示(免费,3个工作日内可收到回复);电话查询(?1.37/每种,以信用卡结算);在线咨询(Live webchat,收费且暂未开通)。显然,第一种方式是最为经济实惠的。查询过程需提供申请人的GWF号码和相关个人信息(出生日期)。



A decision has been made on your application and your documents are being returned to the Visa Application Centre (VAC). You will be contacted again by the VAC once these documents have either been couriered to you or are ready for collection.

Please do NOT attend the application centre until you have been contacted. If you are an official or public service passport holder your passport will be collected by the MFA or FAO. This message is automated so please do not respond.

当护照返还到签证中心,您会收到如下邮件提示,表明您的签证已经到达签证中心可以领取或者邮寄: The processed visa application for GWF reference number gwf*************** was received at the UK Visa Application Centre on 12/01/2014 5:45 AM.

If a courier service was purchased from VFS, your processed application will be delivered to the chosen address.

If not, your documents can be collected from where you applied between Monday and Friday (except public holidays), 7:30-14:30 in Beijing or 8:00-15:00 in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Jinan, Wuhan and Shenyang.




推荐访问:美国签证护照状态查询 美国签证状态查询网站



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