
2016-09-09 个性签名 阅读:





What are you going to study in the UK?

(Notes:如果先读语言课,然后读本科/研究生等课程,一定要注意回答完整,例如: I will firstly study Pre-sessional English course from XX to XX, then I will study MA XX programme in XX university…)

2.所学课程都什么时候开课?将学些什么?你的学习计划是怎样的?你要在英国呆多长时间 (将学些什么?比如语言课程, 那就回答听说读写等语言课包含的具体课程。学习计划是怎样的,则回答,我将花多长时间上语言,然后读什么正课)

When will the course start?/What will you study in this programme?/What’s you study plan?/ How long will you study in UK?

3. 你是否曾在英国学习过?读了什么课程?读了多久?

Have you ever studied in the UK before? What program ? How Long?

4. 你是否被英国拒签过?什么时间?为什么?你是否去过其他国家?

Have you ever been refused a visa by UK? When? Why? Have you ever been to other countries?

5. 你是否在英国申请过延期签证?为什么申请?结果如何?

Have you applied for Further Leave to Remain in UK? What’s the result?


What’s the language requirement for program? Have you taken any language test?


8. What’s your Chinese School? Have you graduated?


9. 你的学费是多少?

How much is your tuition fee? How much will you spend totally?

10. How many hours will you study per week?


11. 为什么选择这所大学?

Why choose this university?

12. 谁将支付你的学费?

Who will pay for you/ Who will support you/who will be your sponsor(担保人)?


What’s your parents’ job/What do your parents do for a living? What’s their annual salary?


14你将住在哪里? 你的生活费大约是多少?

Where will you live? How much is your living expenses?



Why you choose to study in the UK?


What’s your plan after study? What will you do after you finish your study?


Do you have any relative in UK?


How will the course benefit you?

19. 备注: 如果有转专业的学生和有STUDY GAP (学习间隔)的学生,要注意相关的问题,准备好为什么转专业,学习间隔期间在做什么,为什么放弃现在的工作等问题 Why change your major/ What have you been doing since graduation/ Why quit your job



据悉,英国大学陆续接到UKBA及BC的最新通知,从2013年6月1日起,所有申请Tier 4签证的学生都必须要求进行面试,具体的形式是进行面对面测试还是电话面试,目前还没有正式下达相关的具体通知。培莘专家为你整理了英国面签最常见的一些问题。


1. Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?

——Yes, please.

2. Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did you sign it? ——Yes this is my application form, I sign it by myself.

3. And how long? What is the maximum time you wish to stay there?

4. Are you traveling along or with someone else?

5. Do you know anyone at all in the UK?

6. Is any of your family outside China now? If so, who are they and where?

7. Do you know anyone who intends to study in the UK?

——Yes, many students in China want to study in the UK.

8. Do you know anyone you know refused a visa to go to the UK?

9. Are you one of any political parties in China?

10. Have you ever applies for a visa to go to any other country?

11. Is this your first tine applying for a visa?

——Yes, it is the first time.

12. Is this the first time going out of the China?

13. Why do you want to go to the UK?

——Because of it’s excellence in higher education, and warm welcome to international students.

14. What will you do in the UK?

——I want to improve my English, and get my academic degree.

15. What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK?

16. Do you think UK has some more advantage than other countries?

17. When you have the idea to go abroad to study?

18. Do you know about UK?

19. When will you arrive in UK?


1. What is your future plan? What will you do after graduation?

——I will come back to China, and devoted myself to developing food industries

of China.

2. Would you come back after graduation?

——Yes indeed.

3. What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?

——Master of Science.

4. Will you want to settle in the UK?

——No, I will not.

5. After graduation, will you plan to find a job in the UK?

——No, I will not. Although China is a developing country, it is more potential

and challenging than other countries. China will give me more chances to succeed. So to come back to China is advisable choice for me.

6. In the UK, you will earn much money than in China. Then why do you say you will come back to China?

——Money is important, In China the emotion to parents is more important than

money. My parents are in China. I will definitely come back and am responsible for looking after them when they get old.

7. If a company wants to hire you after graduation, would you come?

——No, if a company in UK wants to hire me, a better company in China also will

hire me .So, it is the same.

8. What do you think your future position after your study?

——I want to be the administrator of a food company. In the UK, I will learn

how to combine the food knowledge with the management skills.

9. And what do you think your future salary?


1. Where will you study?

2. How did you know this University?

3. How much do you know this University?

——I know this university is welcome to Chinese students and has high reputation

in teaching and research. What is more, it rates the first place in Food Sciences in UK.

4. Which subject will you study? What is your proposed course?

5. Which course will you study? What is the course arrangement? How much do you know about your course?

——The course combines the Food Sciences with the management operations.

Therefore, I will study some knowledge about Food Sciences such as Food Factory operation, Food flavor ,Food Commodities, And some knowledge about management such as, management quality, marketing& logistics, managing Operations& Change. And in the autumn semester, after industrial placement a dissertation will be submitted.

6. How many hours will you study per hour?

7. When is the opening date of school term?

8. Do you need use English in your study?

——Yes, Indeed. It is necessary for me to use English in my work.

9. Do you have to take the English Course?

——Yes, If I meet some difficulties in communication ,I will turn to the English

course learn Center.

10. Then why do you choose this University?

——It rates the first place in my speciality. And it’s welcome to Chinese


11. Why do you choose Food Production Management? Why do you want to study Food

Production Management?

——I am very interested in Food Sciences. And some management skills will be

benefit for me.

12. What is your last degree obtained?

13. When did you graduate?

14. What do you do now? What have you studied?

——I learn English and some knowledge about Food Sciences.



1. What are your tuition fees?

2. What about the living expenses?

3. Do you know how much money does it cost for the entire period of your study?

4. Is the found available? How much?

5. Does it include the stocks?

6. Where does the money come from? Who will pay for the money? Who will pay your courses?

7. What is their annual income? What is your parent’s salary?

——My father’s annual salary is RMB51,300,00, My mother’s annual income is


8. What do your parents do? How can they support you? How does the money come from? ——They have the ability to support me.

9. Can you give some description of your father’s company? Can you give some description of your mother’s company?

10. Can I look at your bankbook?

11. Can I look at your bank certification?





去那天是周一,一大早上出发,火车两个小时才到Duesseldorf,有两种方法去大使馆,一是直接坐s-bahn,到哪站不清楚,二是坐 704路电车Derendorf方向,到 Rather.Strasse下车,往回走一点就到了。8点半到的英国领事馆签证处,守备不是很严(uk在土耳其的总领事馆刚被炸,还以为能很严格的查呢)。 排队等候进门。手机和电子产品都得留在楼下。英国签证办理在6楼,出了电梯一看,我天,一屋子的人„„于是排队交表格。(表格在上面给的地址有下载,打印下来填好后带过去即可,不用在签证处另填)。交了表格以后就是耐心的等待。会有广播叫去Kasse交钱。这个偶觉得很恶心,无论是不是给签,都先交钱再说,不像在德国签证,同意给延了才去交钱。费用在上面给的地址里也有。 申请一天或者申请六个月都是给六个月的签证。不用担心。我前面有个姐姐想申请一年的,工作人员说如果是第一次申请英国签证就申请一年他们得把签证寄到英国签,等很久。好像第二次就可以了吧,这个不清楚。。交钱以后还在等,无聊致死。










边问她边记录,让我签字以后,然后拿出个小条给我,叫下午两点半来取签证~~~ 嘿嘿,大功告成! 另外,英国领事馆签证处的网站写的要求在德国签证至少还有六个月。其实这个东西不是那么严格。前面一个兄弟只有3个月签证了,和我同去的兄弟也只有5个月,他们签证都弄到手了。所以还是可以试试的。




1. Are you fit and well

enough to be interviewed?


2. Is this your application

form? Do you understand it and did you sign it ?

Yes this is my

application form, I sign it by myself.

3. And how long? What is the

maximum time you wish to stay there?www.fz173.com_英国签证面试常见问题及答案。

4. Are you traveling along or with

someone else?

5. Do you know anyone at all in the UK.

6. Is any of

your family outside China now/? If so, who are they and where?

7. Do you

know anyone who intends to study in the UK.

Yes, many students in China

want to study in the UK.

8. Do you know anyone you know refused a visa to

go to the U k.

9.Are you one of any political parties in


10. Have you ever applies for a visa to go to any other


11. Is this your first tine applying for a visa?

Yes, it

is the first time.

12. Is this the first time going out of the


13. Why do you want to go to the UK?

Because of it’s

excellence in higher education. and warm welcome to internationalwww.fz173.com_英国签证面试常见问题及答案。



推荐访问:签证面试问题及答案 英国高中面试常见问题



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