
2018-09-01 论文 阅读:



International trade is buying and selling among countries. Nations trade for many reasons.First, they trade because there are differences in natural resources in different countries.The plants that can be grown are different.The minal resources are also different.The second reason nations trade with one another is that it pays to specialize.
Specialization makes the best use of a country’s productive resources—natural and human resources,facilities, and technology.It pays a country to specialize even if it can produce everying cheaply.Research and find out the reasons why nations trade with one another,and why there is no loser in international trading.

What is international trade ? the general meaning is : buying and selling among countries,including import trade and export trade . in today’s world , no nation exists in economic isolation . the high degree of economic coorparation reflects the historical evolution of world’s economic and political order . then what are the force driving globalization ? the fist and perhaps most profound influnce is technological change : advances in transport technology have continued to bring people and enterprise closer together , the boundary of tradable goods and services has been greatly extended . also continuing liberalization of trade and investment has made for an ever more unencumbered policy environment for economic relations among nations. last but not least one : lower trade barriers and financial liberalization have allowed more and more companies to globalize production structures through investment abroad ,which in turn has provided a future stimulus to trade .
as the by adam smith said : the Exchange promote the division of labor, and vice versa. And the division of labour lead to the exchange between people.
then why world economic become more and more interdependence .according to factor-endowment theory and comparative difference , there are two factors : labor and capital .In defferent country , they have different endowments of factors . so the relative commodities require different intensities of the factor in their production . in this situation the price of relative commodity is different , the country will export the commodity for which a large amount of relatively abundant inputs is used , and this commodity will be more commpative in the world trade .
trade and the distribution of income between the different nations : both partner gain from trade if countries specialize in what they are comparatively best at production ,they must import goods and service that other countries produce best . for example brazilians supply coffee and americans supply wheat . the large production will make it possilble for brazilian to gain by using revenues from their wheat sales to purchase american wheat .at the same time american will gain by doing the opposite ,by using the revenues from their wheat sales to purchase brazilian coffee. The american have comparative advantage in wheat prodution and brazilians have comparative advantage in coffee prodution .


current world trading system and increasing protectionism

As the economic role of multinational,global corpora-tions expands,the international economic environment will be shaped increasingly not by governments or international institutions,but by the interaction between governments and global corporations, especially in the United States,Europe,and Japan. A significant factor in this shifting world economy is the trend toward regional trading biocs of nations,which has a potentially large effect on the evolution of the world trading system. Two examples of this trend are the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA)and Europe 1992,the move by the European Community (EC)to dismantle impediments to the free flow of goods,services,capital,and labor among member states by the end of 1992. However, although numerous political and economic factors were operative in launching the move to integrate the EC‘s markets,concern about protectionism within the EC does not appear to have been a major consideration. This is in sharp contrast to the FTA,the overwhelming reason for that bilateral initiative was fear of increasing United States protectionism. None-theless,although markedly different in origin and nature,both regional developments are highly significant in that they will foster integration in the two largest and richest markets of the world,as well as provoke questions about the future direction of the world trading system.



How to correctly think and effective coping friction,has become the focus of attention of the domestic scholars,this paper mainly from the trade perspective China international trade friction problem of China"s foreign trade,analyzes the causes of friction in China,and put forward the concrete situation trade friction relevant measures to enhance China"s trade competitiveness.



Since the 1990s,the green trade barrier has become one of the major trade barriers in intentional trade,which is playing an ever more significant role in international affairs.


伴随着国际贸易的迅速发展,保险作为一种经济补偿方式,在国际货物运输中适用十分广泛,处于不可或缺的地位.而可保利益原则作为保险的基本原则之一,贯穿于整个保险实践中,其对保险实践起着极其重要的作用.可保利益是保险合同中的生效要件,它决定着投保人 、被保险人 当风险发生时,能否依保险合同向保险人索赔.本文从可保利益原则基本概念入手,从其历史发展来阐述可保利益原则在国际货物运输保险中的重要作用,并通过对各国可保利益认定的不同标准来对可保利益原则的认定作出详尽分析,本文着重分析可保利益原则与国际货物贸易术语的联系,强调其在国际贸易中的适用.
With the quick development of international trade,insurance,which is widely used in international freight transport as a way of economic compensation,is now in an indispensible position.But as one of basic insurance principles,the insurable interest principle runs through the whole insurance practice and plays a very paramount role in it.Insurable interest is the effective and important condition in insurance contract.It determines that if the policy-holder and insurant can accept a claim according to the insurance contract when risk happens.This thesis starts with the basic concept of insurable interest principle.It elaborates on the importance of insurable interest principle in international freight transport through the history and development of it.It is written to analysis the cognizance of insurable interest principle by comparing the cognizance standards in insurable interest principle from country to country.The thesis puts its emphasis on anglicizing the relationship between insurance interest principle and the jargon in international trade and underlines the applicability of this principle in international trade.【国际贸易论文格式】

With the rapid development of international trade,insurance,financial compensation as a method applicable in the international carriage of goods is very broad,in an indispensable position.The insurable interest principle as a fundamental principle of insurance is one of the practice throughout the insurance,its insurance practice,plays a very important role.Insurable interest is the effective elements of the insurance contract,which determines the insured,the insured person when the risk occurs,whether the insurance contract to the insurer according to the claim.In this paper,the basic concept of insurable interest principle,starting from its historical development and to elaborate the principle of insurable interest in the international carriage of goods by the important role of insurance,and through pairs of countries can protect the interests of the different criteria to identify the insurable interest principle,a finding a detailed analysis,this paper focused on analysis of the principle of insurable interest and the international trade in goods terms,emphasizing its application in international trade.
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Economic globalization,the rapid development of information technology make foreign trade enterprise international competition is becoming increasingly fierce,e-commerce and foreign trade enterprise combination development is the trend of The Times,is the international trade development path,China"s accession to wto accession,trade market expansion,the competition is quite fierce.As the electronic commerce in the global scope vigorous development of traditional economy,it has produced a strong trade ways of impact,promotes the international trade to information the direction of development,but also for the sustainable development of the international trade opens up a new way.E-commerce on how to respond to the challenge of China"s foreign trade,foreign trade enterprise how to survive this competition heat,has become the domestic presses for solution of research


现在,你作为A公司谈判代表与B 公司进行合同谈判.请结合案情回答以下问题:
2、如果在合同中使用贸易术语(FOB 或CIF),应如何选择?并根据《国际贸易术语解释通则》(2000版)说明所选择术语的具体内容.

不得不说 这个问题好大. 其实你可以说下, 你要多少字数的答案, 按照字数让大家给你回复. 因为这里涉及的每个问题都可以单拿出来深入讲解.
我这里先大体回答下吧. 很多问题从福步论坛, 百度等网上信息拼在一起也会是比较长的回复信息.我这里也拷贝了相关信息, 以下也已注明.
不确定你是在写论文, 写课题还是做什么, 如果要从事这个行业, 以此为契机多了解下吧, 这些都是 比较基础的内容, 对于以后再这个行业内做很有必要.

I、 a. 对于出口合同, 一般情况下包括以下内容. 对于题目中已经提示过的内容外, 其他就是应该商谈的内容(如果需要了解每部分详细内容, 请百度下):
b. 具体条款谈判时应注意的问题是什么?(提示:货物、运输、保险、结算、争端解决机制、法律适用)-------对于这个问题, 还是太大了. 可以说你看一本外贸实务等都可以对此作出系统的回答. 我还是简单回答下.
条款谈判中, 对于货物,是否加唛头, 因为是睡衣, 里面会涉及睡衣几套一包, 折叠方式, 多少一箱, 箱子的材质, 印刷等等都会涉及到.对于简单的合同, 有些可以忽略, 对于大公司的合同,初次订立合同是一定要确认因为会涉及到合同价格等. 当然, 货物的质量, 比如棉睡衣的品质要求, 棉的来源等也都需要涉及并确认.这个产品应该是法检产品, 要考虑到时间等相关问题.
对于运输, 北京和纽约, 纽约有港口, 北京没有港口, 会涉及到发货港口, 如果是北京生产, 那么最近的港口就是天津港口. 对于价格条款, 也会涉及到这部分的确认. 可以说每一部分涉及的都是公司的成本和收益. 凡涉及这些内容, 都要认真考虑.
对于保险, 实际操作中, 要看客户的基本要求, 如果客户不上, 货值很大的情况下, 出口方也应该上一定的保险降低风险.
争端解决机制, 复制粘贴以下内容供参考:
1、 协商解决
2、 调解解决
3、 仲裁解决和诉讼解决

II、如果在合同中使用贸易术语(FOB 或CIF),应如何选择?并根据《国际贸易术语解释通则》(2000版)说明所选择术语的具体内容.-------------
首先, 国际贸易术语现在已经是2010版了.
其次对于FOB或CIF , 你可以看到 CIF中包括了运费和保险部分, FOB中不含保险.
最后说明下FOB 和 CIF:
FOB 也称“离岸价”,实践中的使用通常为“FOB……港(出发地)按FOB成交,由买方负责派船接运货物,卖方应在合同规定的装运港和规定的期限内,将货物装上买方指定的船只,并及时通知买方.货物在装上指定的船上时,风险即由卖方转移至买方.(不包括运费、保险费)
CIF术语的中译名为成本加保险费加运费,(指定目的港,其原文为Cost,Insurance and Freight(...named port of
A公司作为卖方, 卖方责任主要表现为三项义务:交付货物;移交一切与货物有关的单据;移转货物的所有权.
交付货物, 是在价格条款下确认的交付方式保证交付, 对于单据也是要跟客户确认好后出运后根据合同提交相关单据给客户.

这里问的是跟单信用证结算方式, 这个也是比较常见的信用证方式.
跟单信用证,有时也称为“银行家的商业信用证(banker’s commercial
credits)”及“银行商业信用证(commercial letters of credit)”,为国际货物买卖的卖方提供担保,确保他能够在货物装运后获得付款,即使买方无法付款或买方的票据被拒收(dishonoured).一旦涉及跟单信用证的国际货物买卖通常涉及以下流程:



Write a bank letter including the following information.Use both block and indented style to design your letter and make extensions if necessary.You may make up the names and addresses and the letter should include as many parts of a typical bank letter as possible.
1 感谢对方XX日来函。
2 同意对方提出建立代理行关系的建议。
3 希望对先关事项进行进一步商议。
4 其他。
很急 求帮助 在线等 大神快出现啊!

沈素萍,对外经济贸易大学英语学院教授、硕士研究生导师。对外经济贸易大学英语硕士,正在攻读经济学博士。从事高校英语教学工作二十余年;先后承担《大学英语》(精读、泛读、听力)、《商务项语》、《金融英语》、《金融项语阅读》《高级金融英语》、《金融英语》(研究生金融专业)《金融英语专题》(研究生英语专业)等多门课程的教学。现任对外经济贸易大学英语学院教学副院长,对外经济贸易大学国际商务英语研究所副所长。 近年来,专注金融英语的教学与科研。各类论文和著作30余种近300万字左右。主要著作:《金融英语阅读教程》、《金融英语阅读教程导读》、《金融专业英语初级证书学习指南》、《金融专业英语证书考试学习指导(中级会计)》、《金融专业英语证书考试学习指导(中级法律)、《金融专业英语证书考试全真模拟试题集(中级)》、《金融专业英语证书考试全真模拟试题集(初级)》、《大学英语阶梯阅读训练(1-4册)》、《英汉汉英财政金融分科词汇手册》、《保险分册》等。 科研研究方向:商务英语研究:中美金融文化(银行体系)比较。 社会兼职工作:(1)北京市高教学会大学英语研究会常务理事;(2)中国财经院校外语教学研究会副理事长;(3)全国金融英语证书考试专家组成员。



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The impact of RMB appreciation on China"s import and export trade



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