关键词:英国 脱欧 原因 中国 影响
2015年1月4日,英国首相卡梅伦表示,如果有可能,将原计划于2017年进行公投提前举行。公投必须在2017年年底前举行。如果能早点进行更好。越快履行重新谈判的承诺举行公投越好。② 2015年3月17日,英国首相卡梅伦表示,如果他赢得5月的选举,那他将英国欧盟成员国地位公投提前到2015年的可能性“很小”。卡梅伦承诺重新协商英国与欧洲的关系,包括移民等问题,然后在2017年以前举行公投,希望防止对欧盟的怀疑情绪上升,这样的情绪导致一些保守党选民转投反欧盟的英国独立党。 ①王晓易.《英首相卡梅伦发声明要辞职 称尊重民众脱欧选择》.
② 人民网《英国首相卡梅伦称如有可能将提前举行英国退欧公投》 2016年6月26日访问
英国当地时间2016年6月23日上午7点(北京时间6月23日下午2点) “脱欧”公投投票开始。此次投票将持续15小时,公投结果将直接影响英国未来是否留在欧盟。6月24日报道 英国公民23日进行公投,决定他们的国家离开欧盟。BBC最新报道显示,脱欧派获得16,738,813票,占比超过50%;留欧派获得15,610,071票,这意味着,英国将成功脱离欧盟。
1973年,英国首相希斯(Edward Heath)重启加入欧共体谈判,终成为成员国。 1975年,英国首相威尔森(Harold Wilson)举行公投,决定英国继续留在欧共体。 1984年,英国首相撒切尔夫人(Margaret Thatcher)成功令欧共体同意英国预算贡献获得部分退款。
1997年,英国首相布莱尔(Tony Blair)计划在1997年后加入使用欧洲单一货币欧元,遭到当时财政大臣戈登布朗(Gordon Brown)阻止。
(1)短期利益影响。英国退出欧盟,在短期内对英国无疑是有利的。 英国可以立即省下每年需缴纳给欧盟财政的80亿英镑款项。支持英国脱离欧盟的人说,90%的英国经济与对欧盟的贸易无关,但仍然受欧盟规章的制肘,摆脱欧盟将使英国许多中小企业不受欧盟规章制度的钳制,就业机会可能会因此增多。
(2)长远影响。失去欧盟成员国的资格,英国难以依托欧盟在欧洲和世界事务中发③人民网《英国脱欧释疑:如何影响世界 卡梅伦为何辞职?》
挥重要作用,其国际地位和影响将大打折扣。在贸易方面,英国与欧洲向来唇齿相依,有一半贸易额都来自欧洲其他国家。若脱离欧盟恐令英国与欧洲贸易关系受到影响,影响到伦敦国际金融中心及资金避风港的地位,如果大量投资从英国撤出,经济前景或进一步转差。英国国内商界领袖,包括英国首富、维珍集团主席布兰森(Richard Branson)已发出警告,指英国试图与欧盟重新谈判两者关系,可能构成不明朗前景,有损商界利益。
然而,一旦英国脱欧成功,中国通过英国加强与欧盟合作的战略计划将会变得困难重④ 和讯网《解读脱欧影响:英国将成为在欧洲边境的一个小国》
Britain off the European Union Referendum
班级142 专业 财务管理 姓名李小碟
January 23, 2013, British Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a speech officially on the prospects for the relationship between Britain and the EU . Cameron promised, if he were to win the elections scheduled to be held in 2015, He will develop a new principle of relations with the EU,in the approved within one year of law, then hold off European referendum that let people have the opportunity to choose to stay in or withdraw from the EU. Cameron said, if the EU does not take measures to solve the core problem, Britain will have more likely to drop out of the organization. The referendum is held in 2017 to 2018
Investigation background
During the period of the cold war, the Western European countries out of the war trauma, but they have been unable to return to the prewar international status.
The EU is the highest one economic group in the world , it not economic entity, but also a political entity. It is a organization that has the dual nature of the economic and political. The content of cooperation include political, economic, military, and other multiple aspects.Seeing the development prospects of the EU, the United Kingdom began to apply to join the European community in 1957, the British officially become a member of the European Community until 1973.
Significance of the European union
In Europe: European Union countries remain in the same line and the European Union interests is uniform too.It effectively promoted the development of European politics and economy, and enhanced the political and economic status in the world .On the other hand,The EU has played an exemplary role in the world economy, enhance the multipolarity, promote the formation of a new pattern of world politics. The impact on the world: The EU strengthen the economic relations between countries in Europe, to enhance the economic competitiveness of the European Union【英国脱欧的论文】
foreign, to improve the level of international economic cooperation, and the international economic competition becomes more intense, to enhance the impact of EU countries in the world, to strengthen the formation and development of the world trend of diversification.At last it is conducive to curb the United States to engage in a unipolar world.【英国脱欧的论文】
Reasons for Britain's off the European Union Referendum
1.Due to deep-rooted cultural and diplomatic traditions ,the British domestic existed over a long period of time "removal of Europe",the British people think the EU's
decision-making process as Baroque art like fancy, the resulting ambiguous results, is often criticized as "Brussels monster".
2.British living in Europe, but don't consider itself to be in Europe, the economies of scale rank EU second, but are not part of the Shengen area, euro zone. In addition, the EU fails to establish a fiscal union Monetary Union and the European debt crisis to British economy brings great fluctuation
3.British political culture more tendency to guarantee freedom and less regulation. At the same time, in the community always feel suffer everywhere due to the British history of the integration process of the late, the consideration of the interest of strengthening the British "Doubt Europe" mood.
4.Suspect in Europe faction ", the rise of mass." Doubt Europe "is the UK
Independence Party, Britain's extreme right-wing parties, has always advocated British withdrawal from the EU, due to the continued spread of the debt crisis in Europe. The independence party on out of the idea of EU immigration policy reform to win more and more support, including the UK Independence Party, the National Front in France and Italy five star movement the party, all belong to the" Tough Doubt Europe", and it advocated the withdraw from the EU and the euro zone. Effect of Britain off the European referendum
1.Beneficial effects
Because the EU is political, economic, military integration, the British policy is under the control of the European Union, the British once out of the EU successfully, due to the reduction of EU control, the economy will even grow.
Britain's departure from the EU may lead to shrinking financial institutions, but it is believed that the city of London, a bloated financial metropolis, the financial sector may be healthy, the government may promote industrialization
2.Adverse effect
German finance minister Schauble said in an interview with BBC, if the British decided to break away from the European Union, it will damage the UK, Europe and the global economy.After the success of the British off Europe can still trade with the EU, but in the end to stop accepting free flows of EU citizens and no longer
participate in the EU budget, the UK will lose the advantage of a single market in Europe.Phoenix finance and economics pointed out that Britain's withdrawal from the EU will for the UK and EU produced huge political and economic consequences.LES pointed out that Britain reduce EU trade, tax increases may cause the GDP shrank by
3.1% to 9.5%, which will than the financial crisis worse, foreign investors may also withdraw investment. In addition, Britain has nearly half of dependence on imports of the EU, millions of jobs and the EU are closely related.
Britain to take off the EU will also have a huge impact on the European Union, the financial sector is an important pillar of the British economy, the European financial industry 3/4 turnover from the UK, the British off the European referendum will seriously affect the development of the EU's financial sector.Britain is the third largest economy in the European Union, the British withdrawal from the EU will seriously weaken the EU's international status and reputation.
Britain and the European Union, the evening of 19 during the EU summit in the reform in the EU reached an agreement, partly to meet the British cuts in the welfare of immigrants, not to participate in closer European integration, to non euro area countries the measures of protecting requirements. Cameron said, "gives Britain in the EU" special status "of the agreement has been negotiated". But the British criticism
believes that the new protocol in dealing with a large number of immigration and reclaim rights from the problem of inaction.Although many voices that Britain would be off the European, but in my opinion, this thing has a lot of room for discussion. From the subjective intention of the Cameron government, Europe off is not a goal referendum just tactics. One of the reason for Britain to take off the EU that, could be to add pressure. Second in a referendum on the formation pressure on the European Union, on the negotiating table to reap the benefits. The most fundamental reason is, off Europe's high cost to unimaginable is UK unwilling to bear, the British economic and political surface has been with the depth of fusion.
Reference literature
1.Message network
2.Chengdu news network Sichuan business daily
3.Phoenix finance and Economics
4.Guangzhou South daily
5.Global web
第三,英国伟大的思想家洛克(John Locke)在光荣革命期间,发表了对整个人类影响深远的《政府论》,提出人有三大权利:生命的权利,自由的权利,私有财产神圣不可侵犯的权利!如果国家政府剥夺这些权利,人民有权起来反抗,反抗暴政不仅是权利,更是一种义务。(权利可以放弃,义务不能放弃) 洛克的三大权利思想,深刻地影响了美国的建国先贤们
推荐访问:关于英国脱欧的论文 英国脱欧公投